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All Cigar Discussion>I've been hit, multiple times
sweater914 04:11 PM 12-08-2014
The generosity displayed by this forum is beyond compare. A certain news letter found my mailbox much to the dismay of my lovely spouse, who set aside my packages while I was driving people across the country at 35000 feet. Some of the smokes I wouldn't have even considered, others were on a window shopping wish list. To the wonderful folks who sent packages, you know how you are, thank you, they're comfortably resting in my coolidor.




Add a couple of orders from CI, taking advantage of the Thanksgiving sales, I purchased a couple of samplers. Now I need more cedar trays, this is a serious problem which will be tended to after the holidays. Warmer weather is only four months away.

big_jaygee 04:22 PM 12-08-2014
:-) :-)

I see the "News Letter" has found a new home
Ogre 04:48 PM 12-08-2014
Looks like you got the current copy of the "Newsletter"
MarkinAZ 04:53 PM 12-08-2014
:-)...the nerve of some folks huh?:-)
RobR1205 04:58 PM 12-08-2014
Remo 05:05 PM 12-08-2014
Ha, nicely done gents :-)
longknocker 05:06 PM 12-08-2014
:-):-):-):-) Enjoy, Brother!:-) Now You Know What "The Newsletter" Is!
WhiteMamba 06:20 PM 12-08-2014
Haha it's always good to know the news around the asylum. Nice selection of sticks :-)
Porch Dweller 06:53 PM 12-08-2014
Ya gotta love the newsletter; it's always good news. :-)
shilala 06:54 PM 12-08-2014
The good old newletter. :-)
cmitch 07:50 PM 12-08-2014
As a newsletter publisher, I agree with this beating.
smokin5 07:52 PM 12-08-2014
Is that empty space in the humidor I see?
Dave128 08:04 PM 12-08-2014
That newsletter sure is pretty cool!
badbriar 10:04 PM 12-08-2014
That there's funny! Editor Steve and the CA paparazzi done good!
dijit 07:42 AM 12-09-2014
Too many options here NST, half empty coolidor, Getting on the news letter mailing list. Oh the trouble this noob is asking for! :-) :-)
Steve 01:51 PM 12-10-2014
Glad you received the current issue as well as some "back" issues!
BigAsh 02:05 PM 12-10-2014
"read all about it!!...noob smacked around...never gets old!!...extra!...extra!"

badbriar 04:24 PM 12-10-2014
Don't ya just LOVE to catch these guys unaware!!!
Big Maduro 11:50 PM 12-10-2014
Looking good, enjoy
sweater914 10:23 AM 12-14-2014
Many thanks again to our kind forum members who seem to have a compulsion to fill empty coolidors built by total strangers.

My Lovely bought this inside and stored it in my coolidor while I was on a trip, saved the address but don't know the handle. Thank You!

Thanks BigAsh!!

Finally, dijit via NST and CA Newsletter.


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