Cowboy4467 03:16 PM 12-18-2013
I would like to take the time to thank you guys on behalf of my unit in afghanistan for the cigars you send they were greatly appreciated!!! we got them two days ago and as u can see we are SMOKING THEM UP!!! Thank you again.
SSG Roger Elkins II
P.S.I cant get the pics to upload right now i will send them later but thank you
Sweet, Enjoy!! Thanks for your service and keep your head down!!
CamoFlogged 03:18 PM 12-18-2013
That is just awesome. Greatly appreciate your service!!
yourchoice 03:19 PM 12-18-2013
Great to hear! Thank you for your service.
big_jaygee 03:23 PM 12-18-2013
glad you are enjoying them brother
thank you for your service
czerbe 03:23 PM 12-18-2013
Thank you for all you do come home safe
MrClean 03:25 PM 12-18-2013
I love this! Enjoy them and stay safe. Thank you for all you do!!
Heavy_d 03:36 PM 12-18-2013
Thank you guys for your service! Stay safe and smoke up.
Porch Dweller 03:42 PM 12-18-2013
Enjoy the smokes, stay safe, and thanks!
Lockspur 04:31 PM 12-18-2013
big_jaygee 04:32 PM 12-18-2013
great to see them enjoying cigars and having a chance to relax
Great to hear that you are enjoying the cigars and that we could all brighten your holidays up a little bit.
Here are the photos you asked me to post for you.
Talk to you soon when the next boxes go out.
Stay safe brother.
AdamJoshua 04:42 PM 12-18-2013
Stay safe over there and enjoy the sticks.
Nice work T.G. just one of many many many msgs in the future I'm sure, thanks for taking over for Scott!
Lockspur 04:48 PM 12-18-2013
Sorry, Adam. I emailed him asking to post the pics for him.
:-) Didn't know he sent them to you as well.
No worries Scotty. The way I see it, since the network over there is restricted and they might not be able to post them, so long as one of us does it, it doesn't matter who, it's all good.
Sweet_Leaf_PDX 05:05 PM 12-18-2013
Awesome! Thanks for your service!
dvickery 06:03 PM 12-18-2013
I have nothing to do with sending cigars to the troops ... a tougher bunch I don't remember seeing ... brought a tear of happiness to my eyes to see these boys puffin away .
from a "non American" thanks for all you do . and for all the christmases you aren't home for ... a million more thanks .
Dude Here 06:21 PM 12-18-2013
Awesome! Enjoy the smokes, thank you for your service and stay safe over there.
hotreds 06:41 PM 12-18-2013