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All Cigar Discussion>Choice of drink can overwhelm cigar's flavor...
badbriar 08:13 AM 05-27-2013
Ran into something yesterday that I've not experienced before. Went into a favorite little Irish pub and had the usual Guinness with a nice cigar-Cusano 18 Paired Maduro. First time for this combination, thought the rich stout would go well with the similar favors of the maduro. Usually have something like a brown ale with that stogie. Actually, since the Cusano is on the milder side, the stout tended to overshadow the cigar. Now, it wasn't bad at all - just did not get all the usual subtle favors that I really enjoy from that cigar. With a Guinness, I'd normally have an Undercrown, Oliva V, or one of the dark wrapper Aroma De Cubas. No issues with those cigars holding their own against any beer or ale! Interestingly, a fine bourbon or scotch, neat, has a positive effect on the flavor of even the mildest cigars - IMHO.
Who else has noticed this?
kelmac07 08:21 AM 05-27-2013
I can only drink water or soda with any cigar. I find that any type of alcohol (beer and bourbon especially) over power the stick I am smoking. My taste buds only pick up the taste of the alcohol and none of the cigar. So I'm happy to stick with my water or Diet Pepsi when I smoke. :-)
Ashcan Bill 08:29 AM 05-27-2013
Generally only coffee or water for me when I'm smoking a good cigar. Once in a while I may pair one with a martini or IPA, but if I do that I realize up front it's going to change the experience and compete with the cigar in the flavor department. Coffee impacts the cigar taste too, but in a good way that tends to enhance the cigar, at least for me.
DaBear 08:34 AM 05-27-2013
I'm not much of a beer drinker, but really any beer overpowers a cigar to me. Bourbon on the other hand pairs well for me. Outside of bourbon(neat) all I drink with cigars are Sobe Coconut Lifewater or Lipton Diet Green Tea. I like the tea as it clears my palate a bit, and the Sobe I'm so used to it doesn't impart much of a flavor to me
SvilleKid 09:25 AM 05-27-2013
Originally Posted by DaBear:
I'm not much of a beer drinker, but really any beer overpowers a cigar to me. Bourbon on the other hand pairs well for me. Outside of bourbon(neat) all I drink with cigars are Sobe Coconut Lifewater or Lipton Diet Green Tea. I like the tea as it clears my palate a bit, and the Sobe I'm so used to it doesn't impart much of a flavor to me
Similar for me, except that I find Margaritaville Spiked Lemonade has little detectable alcohol taste, and the citric acid clears my palate and leaves little aftertaste behind. Water just doesn't seem to clear away the oils and tastes for me.
equetefue 09:27 AM 05-27-2013
Most of the time I pair with water, but when I pair with a nice scotch or whiskey, for me I appreciate the tastes of the cigar much better
Milvel 09:39 AM 05-27-2013
Whisky or Dr. Pepper go great with cigars
CamoFlogged 09:46 AM 05-27-2013
I do smoke some cigars with bourbon or rye, but it depends on the cigar as flavors of both can be destroyed if not careful. Bourbon/rye/cigar combos can be flat amazing though.

Apparently, drinking bourbon at 6AM is frowned upon in this establishment :-), so coffee seems to be an acceptable choice.

Maybe I am a lightweight, but if I am smoking a really strong cigar, I usually grab something with carbs in it to have sugar in my system.
NCRadioMan 11:36 AM 05-27-2013
Originally Posted by badbriar:
With a Guinness, I'd normally have an Undercrown, Oliva V, or one of the dark wrapper Aroma De Cubas. No issues with those cigars holding their own against any beer or ale!
There is your answer. You can't expect a very mild, light bodied cigar like the Cusano 18 to perform the same way with Guinness as those listed above which are all med-full.
markem 11:47 AM 05-27-2013
Find someone who makes a really good Bloody Mary and you will instantly discover that what you choose to accompany your cigar (food or drink or activity) influences how you perceive the cigar.

The same experiment can be done with a very good quality Stilton cheese.

Or sitting in direct sunlight on a 95* day.

Or chopping firewood at 20* and in 3 feet of snow.

You get the idea.
AdamJoshua 12:37 PM 05-27-2013
I found the other day that after eating BBQ a HU Half Corona is spot on, something about the tangy BBQ sauce then the flavors of the HC really mix well. One of the few times I have had that perfect pairing combos with a cigar to where you just go "wow'.
Wharf Rat 01:45 PM 05-27-2013
As far as beer goes, I think its the hops that can overpower a cigar. So, you might want to avoid hoppier styles.
RWhisenand 01:50 PM 05-27-2013
I found the same thing as Wharf Rat, I love hoppy IPA's and IIPA's, but to me the hops impacts the cigar. I like coffee with a morning cigar, whisky, in the evening, or a tall glass of San Peligrino if I don't want any flavor to impact the cigar.
NCRadioMan 04:17 PM 05-27-2013
Originally Posted by Wharf Rat:
As far as beer goes, I think its the hops that can overpower a cigar. So, you might want to avoid hoppier styles.
Opinions vary. :-)
pnoon 04:45 PM 05-27-2013
Sometimes my cigar overpowers the flavors of my drink. :-)

Honestly, I try not to think too much about it.
icehog3 05:05 PM 05-27-2013
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Sometimes my cigar overpowers the flavors of my drink. :-)
Stupid sexy cigars.
bobarian 05:30 PM 05-27-2013
Sometimes a drink overpowering a cigar is a good thing. :-)
Sadden 06:04 PM 05-27-2013
Im a rum kinda guy. With Coke or on the Rocks.

Darker Cigar - Darker Rum
Lighter Cigar - Lighter Rum
Scottw 06:48 PM 05-27-2013
The only time I've had this was with a heavier peaty scotch and a cigar. The peat was too much to get through to taste the tobacco. Other than that, I haven't experienced it.
yourchoice 08:44 PM 05-27-2013
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Honestly, I try not to think too much about it.
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