Hoping you have a great day, brother!!!!
markem 02:13 PM 05-08-2013
kelmac07 02:19 PM 05-08-2013
icehog3 02:23 PM 05-08-2013
big_jaygee 02:30 PM 05-08-2013
CigarNut 02:40 PM 05-08-2013
pnoon 02:50 PM 05-08-2013
stearns 02:50 PM 05-08-2013
happy birthday pete, burn something good
big pete 03:10 PM 05-08-2013
Thanks guys!! Appreciate it. E-hugs for everyone!
Not sure what to smoke tonight. A '07 Monte No. 4 Reserva or a '02 Cohiba Lancero...
stearns 03:24 PM 05-08-2013
Originally Posted by big pete:
Thanks guys!! Appreciate it. E-hugs for everyone!
Not sure what to smoke tonight. A '07 Monte No. 4 Reserva or a '02 Cohiba Lancero...
ya ya, both of those, what else?
big pete 03:30 PM 05-08-2013
Or a ED Conde 54?
Have family flying in tonight for the wedding so I don't have much time to smoke more than one
Adriftpanda 03:31 PM 05-08-2013
I would say both but it takes you about 2 hours to smoke a pc, in any case, happy birthday!
maninblack 04:00 PM 05-08-2013
big pete 04:03 PM 05-08-2013
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
I would say both but it takes you about 2 hours to smoke a pc, in any case, happy birthday!
:-) Thanks
jdakine 04:15 PM 05-08-2013
bobarian 04:44 PM 05-08-2013
EricF 04:56 PM 05-08-2013
big pete 12:58 AM 05-09-2013
Thanks again everyone!
Having the Monte and a glass of Legendario anejo rum. Couldn't of asked for a better way to end the night