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General Discussion>10 Year Anniversary
shilala 12:40 PM 05-01-2013
By the Grace of God, it's now been over 10 years since I had a drink. I don't wreck my car or go to jail or any of that fun stuff anymore, either. :-)
It's certainly a far easier way to go.

Funny how I get further away from that stuff and my extra double stupid side still asks if I'd like a nice cold beer after mowing the grass. I call it my extra double stupid side because, after all these years, it should know full well that I don't want a cold beer. I want lots.
Remo 12:42 PM 05-01-2013
Way to go Scott!!! Congrats friend.
Coach Deg 01:02 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats Brother!!!
AdamJoshua 01:03 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats my friend! I really don't drink but I'll have a rub to celebrate for you later. :-)
Blueface 01:06 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats Scott.
An incredible act of will.
massphatness 01:10 PM 05-01-2013
One day at a time, my friend - congratulations
big_jaygee 01:25 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats Scott takes strong will power brother. I pray for another 10 and another 10.
pektel 01:28 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats, Scott! And you are correct. One's too many, and a hundred's not enough.
RHNewfie 01:36 PM 05-01-2013
That's awesome Scott!
AdamJoshua 02:12 PM 05-01-2013
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
Congrats my friend! I really don't drink but I'll have a rub to celebrate for you later. :-)
ERM .. rum, although we both know that sander / shop vac combo is hot .. :-)
equetefue 02:17 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats on such an accomplishment. You must feel super proud of yourself.
RevSmoke 02:18 PM 05-01-2013
Congratulations, Scott!

Will keep you in my prayers for your continued walk upon this difficult road.
jledou 02:29 PM 05-01-2013
Congratulations Scott!
Lockspur 02:51 PM 05-01-2013
Well done, sir! Sounds like your extra double stupid side needs a :-)
Dave128 03:07 PM 05-01-2013
Congratulations, Scott! That is a most awesome achievement! :-)
hotreds 03:07 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats, my brother!
jjirons69 03:09 PM 05-01-2013
Top notch, Brother! Top notch!
CigarNut 03:10 PM 05-01-2013
Congratulations Scott!
icehog3 03:20 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats on a great milestone, Scott, and to another 30 after this. :-)

I have made up for all 10 years for you the last several Shack Thursdays. :-)
Mattso3000 03:44 PM 05-01-2013
Congrats, Scott!
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