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General Discussion>Goodbye, my faithful friend
boonedoggle 03:08 PM 12-08-2008

Enjoyed many football games while outdoors. You will be missed after February.
ahc4353 03:09 PM 12-08-2008
Man that SUCKS! By the title I thought your dog died! :-)
boonedoggle 03:12 PM 12-08-2008
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
Man that SUCKS! By the title I thought your dog died! :-)
Sorry bro. Now that would be a real nightmare. Don't even talk like that!
ahc4353 03:13 PM 12-08-2008
Originally Posted by boonedoggle:
Sorry bro. Now that would be a real nightmare. Don't even talk like that!
I had a huge pit in my stomach and everything! Man that sucks!

Glad your dog is still with us.
white_s2k 03:17 PM 12-08-2008
Time to upgrade to a nice 19 or 21" flat screen :-)
dunng 03:20 PM 12-08-2008
Sorry you had to put him down... oh, it's a TV... Time to UPGRADE! :-)
Cigarcop 03:21 PM 12-08-2008
I don't know what to say........I mean alot of things come to mind, but I'm just sitting here laughing to myself....

Sorry she's gotta go Jimmy!!
MadAl 03:24 PM 12-08-2008
Get an adaptor box thingy!!
MajorCaptSilly 03:26 PM 12-08-2008

Blow it up! Blow it up!!

dunng 03:28 PM 12-08-2008
hotreds 03:35 PM 12-08-2008
Yeah, you had me worried! But, you COULD always hook 'er up to one of those HD boxes IF you really love your friend THAT much!
boonedoggle 03:38 PM 12-08-2008
For those who didn't know:

I don't think I know anyone that still uses rabit ear's exclusively...maybe one of my old great aunts in Texas or something...
lenguamor 09:17 PM 12-08-2008
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
Man that SUCKS! By the title I thought your dog died! :-)

BAD Jimmy...BAD!!!

bigloo 09:19 PM 12-08-2008
muahahha. Maybe I am a sick puppy, but this brought tears to my eyes.
MikeyC 09:44 PM 12-08-2008
I was just thinking about the upcoming conversion to digital the other day. We keep a small TV in my office which has brought many a smile to my face when I've been forced to work on a Sunday when the Patriots are playing. My little friend will go the way of the dodo come February as well.
Skywalker 10:17 PM 12-08-2008
Bye Little Guy!!!:-)
Swampper 10:29 PM 12-08-2008
You can still watch the bug races. :-)
boonedoggle 07:09 AM 01-27-2009

Pushed back 4 months. This is like the 5th time the date has been pushed. I will honestly be surprised if this happens in 2009.
cbsmokin 01:22 PM 01-28-2009
Cut a whole in the top of it and use it as an ashtray.
AD720 01:31 PM 01-28-2009
Originally Posted by boonedoggle:

Pushed back 4 months. This is like the 5th time the date has been pushed. I will honestly be surprised if this happens in 2009.
Not so fast...
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