pnoon 10:34 AM 10-14-2012
On behalf of the entire Team of Eleven, I would like to thank all of you for helping to creating the truly special community we have here.
Four years ago today we opened our doors. What CA has grown into is beyond what any of us had envisioned.
:-) and thanks.
bvilchez 10:36 AM 10-14-2012
And our hats are tipped to the ToE for having created this place.
Much appreciated gents
Thanks for the great place to hang out
mkarnold1 10:41 AM 10-14-2012
Thank you ToE! This place rocks!
CigarSquid 10:43 AM 10-14-2012
Thank you for the great board! Glad you ToE's have allowed us to be here. Congrats to everyone involved!
chaase321 11:08 AM 10-14-2012
Thank you ToE. We love this place, and it's all thanks to you all! Keep up the good work
Awesome, it has been a great experience.
N2 GOLD 11:21 AM 10-14-2012
cjhalbrooks 11:23 AM 10-14-2012
Thank you guys for a safe haven.
kelmac07 11:25 AM 10-14-2012
Many thanks to the Team of Eleven for creating this AWESOME place and to the members that make it what is is...a wonderful haven for the cigar enthusiast!!
SvilleKid 11:39 AM 10-14-2012
Thank you ToEs. And thank you to the community! THE BEST CIGAR FORUM on the net!
EricF 11:41 AM 10-14-2012
Happy Anniversary to CA and a big thanks to the ToE for giving us this great place!!
Emjaysmash 11:41 AM 10-14-2012
Has it already been 4 years?!
A HUGE thanks to the ToE for creating such a welcoming home away from home!
Catfish 11:44 AM 10-14-2012
Thank you to all of the ToE for this forum and the brothers i've met on this site. Truly a great group of people.
The ToE have done an excellent job in all aspects of this site.
688sonarmen 11:50 AM 10-14-2012
Great place great people. Thank you TOE!
mahtofire14 12:06 PM 10-14-2012
Woooohhhoooooo!!!! Thank you guys for all the work you do for us!
sikk50 12:17 PM 10-14-2012
This place is what it is bc of the amazing members, but it could never be what it is if it wasn't for the ToE. Thank you all!
poriggity 12:17 PM 10-14-2012
Congrats to the ToE for creating such a great place to be a part of....
:-) Thank you guys for all you do!
longknocker 12:34 PM 10-14-2012
Thanks To All The TOE For All you Do!