Blak Smyth 08:26 AM 09-21-2012
Hope you enjoy a nice stick on your birthday brother.
Happy birthday old man!
(I know your day is tomorrow)
Happy Early birthday Taki, Enjoy something good! Have Shane come over and make you some coffee
I'm working tomorrow (away from a computer) so...
Enjoy and light up a good one brother!
CigarNut 09:09 AM 09-21-2012
Dave128 09:27 AM 09-21-2012
deadrise 10:16 AM 09-21-2012
Happy Birthday Taki!!!!! go run up and down the streets in your birthday suit!!!!!!
Blak Smyth 10:19 AM 09-21-2012
Originally Posted by deadrise:
Happy Birthday Taki!!!!! go run up and down the streets in your birthday suit!!!!!!
Hmmm sounds like 4th of July 2011!
Theo Cincy 11:02 AM 09-21-2012
Happy B-day buddy - seems lke a good reason to enjoy a CC
Mattso3000 11:34 AM 09-21-2012
maninblack 11:59 AM 09-21-2012
Coach Deg 01:02 PM 09-21-2012
poriggity 01:09 PM 09-21-2012
pnoon 01:18 PM 09-21-2012
HollywoodQue 01:32 PM 09-21-2012
Happy Birthday Taki, have a blessed day brother.
irratebass 01:42 PM 09-21-2012
czerbe 01:47 PM 09-21-2012
stevefrench 02:23 PM 09-21-2012
MurphysLaw 02:25 PM 09-21-2012