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All Cigar Discussion>No smoking on college campus?- Any place else?
Dukeuni 05:28 PM 08-28-2012
I am a alumni of Oregon State University. I was on a sports board today and found out that the ENTIRE Oregon State Campus has outlawed smoking of any kind. There is NO "smoking areas" for employees or staff. They have even outlawed smoking in your own vehicle (windows up and everything).

I had not heard about this being done before. I know there has been limitations on smoking within a certain distance from windows and building entrances, but I never heard of a complete, 100% ban on smoking on the entire campus.

This new rule really bothers me. There is nothing I like to do more when I visit the campus then light up a nice cigar and walk around campus to see the changes and remember my time at OSU.

I will continue to light up a cigar, but now I will always be looking out for "campus security" and I am sure some yuppy student will decide they need to "educate" me on the negative effects of smoking and that it is outlawed on campus.
hotreds 06:10 PM 08-28-2012
Don't see how they can stop you from smoking in your vehicle.
cjhalbrooks 06:12 PM 08-28-2012
Whats next, this band bullshat is fukcing nuts. Why dosent all these law makers work on "cleaning the air" by really pushing cleaner cars. i mean the US has so many problems like i dont know the FED budget. Last i check that is a really big problem. Can't they just leave us alone. Go chase some hackers or something.

Sorry bad day... and i hate this stuff. CUBA here i come
Dukeuni 06:13 PM 08-28-2012
I thought that part was really surprising:

Q&A from the website:

Q: Can I smoke in my personal vehicle on campus?
A: No. The policy prohibits smoking within personal vehicles anywhere within the campus boundaries.

Also another interesting answer:

Q: Is a smoke-free policy a violation of civil and Constitutional rights?
A: No, there is no Constitutional "right" to smoke or use tobacco. Tobacco users are not a category protected under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, nor is tobacco use a protected liberty right under the Due Process clause of the Constitution.

Basically, it is the University saying: "You are not smart enough to stop smoking, so we need to force you to stop....."
hotreds 06:17 PM 08-28-2012
Tell them you and a bunch of other alums will no longer give any money to them. Would be great if you could get some really big donor to do the same. Money talks, BS walks!
cjhalbrooks 06:19 PM 08-28-2012
ask if they can dip :-)
DaBear 06:23 PM 08-28-2012
Not outlawed here at NC State yet, but they're working on it. I typically have a stick a day on campus nowadays and have never once had a complaint. Just have some common sense with it. I never exhale when walking by people, and never puff when in an enclosed space(we have a number of tunnels on campus).
replicant_argent 06:28 PM 08-28-2012
I think it is amusing they also "prohibit" those electronic cigarettes. I would LOVE to hear their reason for that.
I would also like to know what the consequences for breaking their silly little rule if you are not a student or faculty.
Double Secret Probation?
Hem 07:13 PM 08-28-2012
What about tailgating????? That's all that really matters!
jjirons69 07:17 PM 08-28-2012
Crazy days indeed! College stressed me to the point of needing to smoke to take a well-deserved break. Smoking the crazy weed wasn't allowed on campus either, but we somehow got our fill of it. I'm sure if push-come-to-shove I could find a way to have a relaxing smoke if I so desired, also. Wait until they outlaw booze.
floydpink 07:19 PM 08-28-2012
Many hotel chains have gone smoke free and even fine $250 if you are caught smoking on the balcony. I know this from first hand experience:-)
It was a long time ago I was in college but it was rare that there wasn't something being smoked in the dorms back then
CigarNut 07:24 PM 08-28-2012
My son it at the University of Oregon and they have the same rule (it is a rule rather than a law, but then they govern absolutely within the campus).

I used to walk around the campus with a cigar. Now I visit less. It will be interesting to see how this new rule goes at the football games...
TJtorpedo 07:52 PM 08-28-2012
When I was in college in Florida you could smoke right in your dorm room. In fact as an incoming freshman, you had to note your smoking preference so you wouldn't get roomed with a smoker if you didn't smoke (cigarettes that is). Of course, all the kids lied because they didn't want their parents to know they smoked, so basically everyone got stuck with a cigarette smoking roomie. That's when I started smoking cigars and gassed them out by smoking Garcia y Vegas non-stop.
St. Lou Stu 08:25 PM 08-28-2012
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Don't see how they can stop you from smoking in your vehicle.
The entire University of Missouri system went smoke free including in your own personal vehicle unless the windows are up and no smoke is allowed to escape.

Campus police actually sit in the parking lot and look for offenders.
markem 08:29 PM 08-28-2012
Most campuses have private roads. As such, they can enforce their policies even on the roadway. Smokers have the ability to drive on other roads, etc. to not violate the policy. It has been upheld in state and federal courts.

I happen not to agree with the policy, since it is extreme and putative. But they never asked my opinion when they did it. One more example of schools being forced to play mommy and daddy instead of focusing on education.
RobR1205 08:43 PM 08-28-2012
Yeah security here at the academy is getting a lot stricter. They have limited us to only 4 sporadically placed "smoking sections" (and when you look at the size of the entire base, you really have to do some walking just to get to one). Additionally, all 4/c's (freshmen) are prohibited from ANY and ALL tobacco use, which wasn't a rule up until this year. The Academy says they are doing this because they want cadets to live healthier lives, but when you consider that some of freshmen can be as old as 24 years old with prior enlisted time in the coast guard, you gotta realize that they are old enough and experienced to make their own decisions about what is healthy and what is not. Their intentions are good, but hardly beneficial when you consider we are just going to do it off-base or after graduation.
hscmit 11:13 PM 08-28-2012
hospital campus is the same way
my son was born I had a few friends stop by and we tried to go to one of the sitting areas outside where no one was around and were informed by a nurse walking by and then soon after by security that smoking was banned on all the property owned by the hospital
area51 01:13 AM 08-29-2012
The only way I can see them getting away with the personal vehicles and such is because you are on private property.
emopunker2004 01:21 AM 08-29-2012
Glad we can smoke on the rec fields at work still. But because many officers can't get away all the time to get their fix there are MANY CO's that have taken to dip.
mariogolbee 02:05 AM 08-29-2012
The two community colleges I went to have a no-smoking policy. You have to go out to the parking lot, where ashtrays are provided, to smoke. The problem is that at least one of them students smoke in certain areas anyway, but they toss butts everywhere. When I was a student there I spoke to staff at the health office and suggested they place receptacles there. Also, since there is no law prohibiting smoking in the city, the campus police cannot issue citations.

At my current school, San Jose State University, there are no specific rules about smoking, except for the standard 20 feet from any door or window. I sometimes smoke on campus and have even had a discussion with a professor while he puffed away on his briar.
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