So my health insurance has a little incentive program where you show up and get your heart rate checked, weight, cholsterol and a few other tests, give you $50 just to show up, if you pass the tests to their standards (which I think I should) you get another $ $100 probably to be spent on cigars....paid by the insurance company....ironic?
kelmac07 01:48 PM 04-17-2012
deaster25 01:49 PM 04-17-2012
ApexAZ 01:49 PM 04-17-2012
Originally Posted by Remo_5_0:
So my health insurance has a little incentive program where you show up and get your heart rate checked, weight, cholsterol and a few other tests, give you $50 just to show up, if you pass the tests to their standards (which I think I should) you get another $ $100 probably to be spent on cigars....paid by the insurance company....ironic? :-)
I recently got a $25 gift card from our employee recognition thing that I used to buy a blood pressure machine.
irratebass 02:05 PM 04-17-2012
Awesome Mike, our insurance is going up and less coverage.....awesome.
Originally Posted by irratebass:
Awesome Mike, our insurance is going up and less coverage.....awesome.
Mine went up also, they owe me this
Blak Smyth 02:52 PM 04-17-2012
Hahah, my company has a plan where if you don't show up for an exam they charge you $20 extra a month. I like your's better.
My dept does it as well. Gotta love free money!!!
Originally Posted by Ogre:
My dept does it as well. Gotta love free money!!!
WHAT?! Why don't we get anything like this...not fair!
Originally Posted by Hem:
WHAT?! Why don't we get anything like this...not fair!
Because you make 120K
Apoco 03:08 PM 04-17-2012
We have a set up like this at my work - but they put it into your HSA so it is restricted to being spent on health care related items. Not nearly as fun!
Posted via Mobile Device
Originally Posted by Apoco:
We have a set up like this at my work - but they put it into your HSA so it is restricted to being spent on health care related items. Not nearly as fun!
Posted via Mobile Device
I would argue that cigars are for Mental Health
chaase321 03:23 PM 04-17-2012
kelmac07 06:56 PM 04-17-2012
never_enough 07:23 PM 04-17-2012
Awesome. Free money is never bad.
fencefixer 07:48 PM 04-17-2012
Realy irony is when you're on welfare and have 2 kids... then use welfare money for fertility treatment to get 8 more kids and because you now have 10 kids you can't work therefor you need welfare.
Oh wait, that's a true story.
EricF 07:49 PM 04-17-2012
maninblack 09:15 PM 04-17-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
So...did you pass??
I go for the initial $50 on Monday...will let ya know
maninblack 09:20 PM 04-17-2012
Mike can't pass the psych test. He's an inmate here isn't he?