icantbejon 01:34 PM 03-20-2012
So I convinced the wif that she really needed an at home Smoking Lounge and now I'm moving forward with the project. In it...I'll have my kegerator, which flows with my own (generally) tasty beer, my humidor, a dart board and a flat panel tv. Seems like it could be damn near perfect. Figured I'd share the progress with you guys!
The back half of my garage will be the room I'm using, and here is the beginning of the dividing wall:
The frame completed
My buddy Matt giving a helping hand...easily bribed with a few cigars and some beer.
The outer wall complete
icantbejon 01:37 PM 03-20-2012
Getting the insulation in so this can be a 4 season room.
I'm getting into the action...with my flashy work jeans.
My neighbor Jake doing his part...more cigars and beers out the window
Moving right along
First layer of mudding done...ran out of time this weekend to get the work done.
irratebass 01:44 PM 03-20-2012
Looking good, keep it up and keep us updated.
CigarSquid 02:16 PM 03-20-2012
Looks good. That is awesome. Can't wait to see more.
BigAsh 03:18 PM 03-20-2012
Mac already invited me to come over when his room is done...Nice of you to do this for him Jon...
Looking good!!
STEVE S 03:47 PM 03-20-2012
Looking good, keep us posted.
tengel78 05:13 PM 03-20-2012
Looks good so far. I wish I could do something like this.
kelmac07 05:16 PM 03-20-2012
jluck 05:58 PM 03-20-2012
Mark THS 06:27 PM 03-20-2012
Looks good. Doing anything for ventilation or going au natural?
cjhalbrooks 06:52 PM 03-20-2012
LigaPrivadaT84 08:16 PM 03-20-2012
looking good,lucky bastid
good luck jon!
Gooner 12:12 AM 03-21-2012
icantbejon 08:19 AM 03-21-2012
Originally Posted by Mark THS:
Looks good. Doing anything for ventilation or going au natural?
Gonna put in ventilation on the back wall. Still researching the right option. In my head, getting something as simple as a bathroom fan would work in a room this small. I should be able to just pipe that outside and be fine.
Dave128 09:04 AM 03-21-2012
Awesome idea! No room in the garage, but have been trying to convince my wife to do something similar in the basement.
Good looking start brother
:-) Keep us updated!!!
racerX 01:10 PM 03-21-2012