JenksAnejo 03:46 PM 03-18-2012
I thought it may be helpful to start a thread where you can share information on where to buy HTF's if they are in stock.
If you come across a link that you would like to share with some good cigars post it to this thread.
If this has been done before I apologize I looked around and didn't really see anything like it.
First off has some T52 belicoso's in stock if anyone is interested;
EricF 04:47 PM 03-18-2012
Thanks for the heads up! I got some 5ers on the way!
MarkinAZ 04:55 PM 03-18-2012
BlkDrew 05:21 PM 03-18-2012
JenksAnejo 07:20 PM 03-18-2012
Awesome fellas this is what I had in mind!
JenksAnejo 07:27 PM 03-18-2012
JenksAnejo 04:16 PM 03-19-2012
kelmac07 04:18 PM 03-19-2012
JenksAnejo 04:22 PM 03-19-2012
Mac scroll down below the T-52?
NVM they mislabeled the T-52 beli as No. 9 belicoso.
kelmac07 04:24 PM 03-19-2012
Originally Posted by JenksAnejo:
Mac scroll down below the T-52?
Says the only thing they do have is T-52s. Is that what you were pointing out?
Mattso3000 04:27 PM 03-19-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Says the only thing they do have is T-52s. Is that what you were pointing out?
Right below the t-52's are the 9 belis. Show in stock here
kelmac07 04:28 PM 03-19-2012 I see it. But like Jarrod, I believe they are mislabeled and should be T-52 belis.
JenksAnejo 04:30 PM 03-19-2012
LostAbbott 04:32 PM 03-19-2012
These guys claim to still have a very good selection of Viaje lest in stock including the TNT, 2011 Summerfest and Holiday blend. I have not ordered, so don't know but some otehr botl's say they are legit...
mkarnold1 04:55 PM 03-19-2012
Damn, says T52 when you get to the cart...
JenksAnejo 10:04 PM 03-19-2012
jesseboston81 10:45 PM 03-19-2012
Has anyone happened to see any LP40s at all?
Posted via Mobile Device
big pete 11:13 PM 03-19-2012
neoflex 11:14 PM 03-19-2012
Originally Posted by jesseboston81:
Has anyone happened to see any LP40s at all?
Posted via Mobile Device
They're probably out of stock but I would check with Casa De Montecristo. Sometimes their website says out of stock on stuff but when you call they have it.