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All Cigar Discussion>How many sticks do u smoke in a day
cigarsmoker2543 06:06 AM 03-05-2012

How many C'GARS do U smoke in a day, my count is around 4 per day. Let me know your count.

Blak Smyth 06:08 AM 03-05-2012

Typically smoke 1 every other day or so during the week, on weekends I smoke 1-3 a day.
tengel78 06:13 AM 03-05-2012
I can only have 1 per day. If I have more than that my wife beats me.
Islayphile 06:26 AM 03-05-2012
Oohhhhh about 3 or 4

maninblack 06:32 AM 03-05-2012
I believe this thread has been done many times before. I may be wrong but it sounds familiar.
pnoon 06:37 AM 03-05-2012
Originally Posted by maninblack:
I believe this thread has been done many times before. I may be wrong but it sounds familiar.
So have a lot of other topics, Kevin.
You can answer the question or move on.
E.J. 07:00 AM 03-05-2012
In the Winter I almost always have one on Friday and Sunday, sometimes 2 on each of those days.

In the Summer, I smoke a little more....because I don't have to do it in a friends garage that has a wood stove in it....
goomer 07:08 AM 03-05-2012
1 or 2 per day on my days off.
Stevez 07:17 AM 03-05-2012
3 - 4 a day regardless of weather. I tell my wife it's more like 1 or 2, but what they hell. Lately, it's my only vice and I'm going to enjoy it for awhile. Steve
Reaver2145 07:29 AM 03-05-2012
3-5 now that i have somewhere comfy to smoke.
Jefft72 07:35 AM 03-05-2012
I average about 1 a week, but on a good weekend I will smoke 4....two on Friday and two on Saturday.
CigarNut 08:02 AM 03-05-2012
Depends upon the day, the week, the season and what I am doing. During a summer road trip I've smoked as many as 12 (about one every hour). During the winter I average about 3-4 per week.
Retiredguy 08:12 AM 03-05-2012
Depending on circumstances, anywhere between none and 4 daily, but usually 1 or 2.
cigarsmoker2543 08:35 AM 03-05-2012
Originally Posted by maninblack:
I believe this thread has been done many times before. I may be wrong but it sounds familiar.
Well, I'm sure you are correct but, this is all new to me so I thought I would start fresh
Mattso3000 08:45 AM 03-05-2012
I would say .5 during the summer (1 over the course of the week, 2 per day on the weekend) to at least 1 per day in the summer, 2 per day on the weekends.
G G 09:00 AM 03-05-2012
1 or 2 a week average.
gbum 09:11 AM 03-05-2012
once a week or two...
this thing is freaking expensive here!
jluck 09:15 AM 03-05-2012
Average 2-3
Brooks W 09:16 AM 03-05-2012
3 a week or so...sometimes more, but hardly ever less (I have deadlines :-)

Zanaspus 09:16 AM 03-05-2012
About .3569346 repeating. :-)
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