smitty81 11:42 AM 02-28-2012
Hay anyone ever used these candles?
Are they just a regular scented candle or do they actually work?
14holestogie 11:59 AM 02-28-2012
My guess is that getting rid of smoke by burning something else is probably not going to work.
irratebass 12:12 PM 02-28-2012
I have heard these work great, I have no experience with them though.
smitty81 01:09 PM 02-28-2012
I bought the pancake one. I will review it sometime to let you know if they actually work.
smitty81 01:10 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
My guess is that getting rid of smoke by burning something else is probably not going to work. :-)
I dunno, I heard that cigar smoke will cover up other kinds of smoke...........
I use them. Between the exhaust fan in the window and the Ionic Pro. the candle does help. All I can suggest is to look online. They are also sold as pet candles or ionic candles.
Zeuceone 02:15 PM 02-28-2012
I use the spray which works but not the candles. Im sure they give the same results.
ktblunden 04:23 PM 02-28-2012
I've used the ones CI carries and haven't noticed much difference in the garage. My wife's Scentsy stuff works better.
smitty81 04:24 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by ktblunden:
I've used the ones CI carries and haven't noticed much difference in the garage. My wife's Scentsy stuff works better.
My wifes sells scentsy too.............
CigarNut 05:24 PM 02-28-2012
Not sure what your definition of "Actually Works" is. Most scented things (candles, Scentsy, sprays) will not remove smoke from the air. These kinds of things will mask the smoke; some more effectively than others. This may be OK for you, as I said I don't know what "Actually Works" means to you.
If you want to remove the smoke the best thing is some sort of exhaust fan.
Chingas 05:54 PM 02-28-2012
I've used the candles without luck for smell.
Smoke you really need a fan of sorts.
For smell, I use a Lamp Berger. That's works really well.
Crownedone 06:00 PM 02-28-2012
What?....what?.....what?...I dont understand, what do you need a candle for? My wife and I both love the smell of a sweet maduro as it roles through the house. Since I started smoking in the house, the wife has slowed way down on the purchases of flower scented candles.
pnoon 06:05 PM 02-28-2012
Wanna not smell smoke????
OldDirty 07:04 PM 02-28-2012
Best I've used yet is a lampe berger with neutral odor.
Malazan 07:25 PM 02-28-2012
I don't know if they really remove the smoke smell, but my Cinnamon Apple one sure smells nice
smitty81 06:23 PM 03-10-2012
Just to update this thread, these candles work well.
Malazan 06:51 PM 03-10-2012
I love the Orange Cream one
cjhalbrooks 07:06 PM 03-10-2012
i have used these and i think they work really well. I had a window open but the air was blowing in. I had two candles going
ApexAZ 03:27 PM 03-11-2012
I just go outside.
smitty81 03:42 PM 03-11-2012
Originally Posted by ApexAZ:
I just go outside.
Ok, fine if your in AZ but when its -10 here and blowing snow, I bet you won't stay out for more than 5 minutes.