Angry_Pirate 03:29 PM 02-14-2012
I had a sharp pain in my side Sunday (started as a dull pain Thursday) Went to the E.R. and found out I have a 6mm x 4mm Kidney stone in my right kidney. So I have been doped up for the past few days and go in Wednesday afternoon for the Lithotripsy procedure. But at least I got a week off work to catch up on C.A.!! Just looking for others input on this procedure to know what to expect.
irratebass 03:35 PM 02-14-2012
Sorry to hear this J.T. I have had no issues with kidney stones (knocks on wood), my friend used to get them all the time, he would just piss them out....he had 6 in one year at one time!!
Good luck to ya brother and keep us updated.
Angry_Pirate 03:38 PM 02-14-2012
Thanks Mickey. They tend to run in my family this is my first but I'm certain won't be my last.
irratebass 03:44 PM 02-14-2012
That sucks bro, I have heard stones are very painful....I can't imagine.
CigarSquid 03:45 PM 02-14-2012
WOW. Hope it goes well. My bro in law had one. Pee'd it out. He did go to the hospital and they gave him some fluids.
chaase321 04:12 PM 02-14-2012
J.T. sorry to hear bro! I had my first (and only, thankfully) bout with kidney stones about a year ago. The pain knocked me on my knees and straight into the ER, where of course I waited for ever! My stone was 4mm and after two weeks of being doped up when needed I was scheduled for surgery the next day to have it lasered I was like what the heck and decided to have a drink...2 jim beams later I peed the darned thing out! LOL should have drank earlier in the process!
Best of luck, I hear the surgery is not fun, but at least they put you under and it is all recovery from there! You'll be fine...have a drink tonight, you never know! lol
maninblack 04:13 PM 02-14-2012
Holy crap brother! Take care and I hope it passes thru your system quickly!
ChicagoWhiteSox 04:17 PM 02-14-2012
Just reading this thread makes me cringe
Angry_Pirate 04:18 PM 02-14-2012
RevSmoke 04:20 PM 02-14-2012
Willk eep you in my prayers.
Peace of the Lord be with you.
Never had one but good luck J.T, sorry to hear!
MurphysLaw 05:20 PM 02-14-2012
I've had 3 stones, passed the first two, had to have surgery for the third. Didn't have the lithotripsy though, but from what I understand they blast the stone to break it up and you pass the bits. I had a stint in for a week after my procedure, it was miserable, could feel it every time I moved. Make sure your doc does the analysis on the stone to determine what caused it so you can try to prevent any more in the future.
hotreds 05:20 PM 02-14-2012
Dave128 09:29 AM 02-15-2012
My wife had one a couple years ago. She was in some serious pain. Went to the ER, had some tests and got some drugs. She peed it out in about a day or so.
Angry_Pirate 08:31 PM 02-15-2012
Home from the procedure all went well ,feel good or that could just be the drugs
:-) Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. My wife got me the Star Wars Blu ray set to pass the time until I go back to work. I don't know if she got it for my entertainment or to keep me from driving her crazy
:-) Thank god for her being with me to help out!
Zeuceone 08:40 PM 02-15-2012
Wow glad to hear it went well.
CigarSquid 08:51 PM 02-15-2012
Hope you stay good. Sounds positive.
3SmokesaRound 08:58 PM 02-15-2012
Wow just saw this thread JT, but glad to hear everything went well for you bro.
Angry_Pirate 10:57 PM 02-15-2012
MrClean 11:17 PM 02-15-2012
Glad to hear it went well J.T.
My wife had a bout with them and she had a procedure done to break them up with high frequency sound waves, can't remember what they called it.