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All Cigar Discussion>Need a 30 minute cigar
chaase321 07:30 PM 11-02-2011
Alright everyone, I'm looking for opinions. I am going to give you some details on what I am looking for, and hopefully you all can help me find what I am looking for.

I need something that is going to last me about 30 minutes; I want to be able to smoke at work during my lunch breaks, but I don't want to waste a good cigar by not having enough time.

Ring gauge and length does not matter to me. Wrapper does not either (I like maduros but I have also really enjoyed cameroons too). Also spicy and sweet both work for me, and I think would work for a lunchtime snack.

I would like it to be medium (not mild, and no so full that I have too much of a nic buzz to head back to work).

Price really doesn't matter too much because I will look until I find it on sale.

I'm really trying to find a good everyday short smoke, so there you have it away (please)! Thanks!
maninblack 07:33 PM 11-02-2011
Tat Verocu's are great small smokes.
bobarian 07:35 PM 11-02-2011
I would check your local shop for some tinned smokes like AVO Puritos or Arturo Fuente Cubanitos. :-)
kelmac07 07:36 PM 11-02-2011
Arturo Fuente Short Story & Tampa Sweetheart #500 Maduro
chaase321 07:38 PM 11-02-2011
Mac, I have some short story's on the way...are they really only 30 min smokes though?
kelmac07 07:39 PM 11-02-2011
Originally Posted by chaase321:
Mac, I have some short story's on the way...are they really only 30 min smokes though?
For me they are. :-) I bet JohnnyKay5 would say these are a 15 minute stick. :-) :-)
NCRadioMan 07:39 PM 11-02-2011
CAO Criollo Pampa
Remo 07:41 PM 11-02-2011
DPG Firecracker :-)
shilala 07:44 PM 11-02-2011
Sancho Panza Double Maduro Quixote or Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte Pamplona.
CI says the Extra Fuerte is all strong and ass-kickish. It's hype. Both are very mild on the nicotine and big on flavor. Excellent inexpensive cigars, perfect for your lunch break. :-)
kelmac07 07:46 PM 11-02-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
Sancho Panza Double Maduro Quixote
Almost forgot about this one...GREAT STICK!! :-) :-)
RevSmoke 07:52 PM 11-02-2011
Originally Posted by chaase321:
Mac, I have some short story's on the way...are they really only 30 min smokes though?
About an hour 10min. for me.
Lonely Raven 07:53 PM 11-02-2011
NUB Habano really surprised me for a small stick.
ArgusP2 08:00 PM 11-02-2011
I like the CAO La Traviata Ninfas.
MurphysLaw 08:00 PM 11-02-2011
J. Fuego Origen Original - great inexpensive short smoke, they come in a paper wrapped 5 pack
Drez 08:00 PM 11-02-2011
Originally Posted by Remo_5_0:
DPG Firecracker :-)
RevSmoke 08:01 PM 11-02-2011
Cabaiguan Petites, Tatuaje Petites & Tatuaje Petite Reservas, Tatuaje Verocu #5, AVO Domaine Puritos, J.Fuego Delirium Minutos, Padron Corticos, Rocky Patel Sun Grown Juniors, CAO LX2 Bam.

Just a few that I have had and enjoyed.
thechrisdotcom 08:43 PM 11-02-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
Sancho Panza Double Maduro Quixote
Originally Posted by MurphysLaw:
J. Fuego Origen Original
I second these. Was going to suggest these.
chaase321 10:02 PM 11-02-2011
Thanks everyone...I'll do my research tomorrow during my "lunch break" and see which ones will fit me, then head out for some samples. They look like great sticks though!
DaBear 10:04 PM 11-02-2011
No love for the Padron Maduro Corticos? I used those all the time for tailgating last year to keep me from blowing so much on more expensive cigars and to keep me from crushing a good cigar in the pocket.
RevSmoke 11:04 PM 11-02-2011
Originally Posted by DaBear:
No love for the Padron Maduro Corticos? I used those all the time for tailgating last year to keep me from blowing so much on more expensive cigars and to keep me from crushing a good cigar in the pocket.
I did mention these.
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