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All Cigar Discussion>The slippery slope
Jasonw560 11:23 PM 10-14-2011
I am losing my traction on it. Just ordered a 5 pack of 601 blue box pressed robusto maduros from the monster. I'm slipping, and this is one fall I will thoroughly enjoy!
CigarSquid 11:35 PM 10-14-2011
It's only just began.
Drez 11:37 PM 10-14-2011
only a 5 pack............ wait till you stop slipping and free fall :-)l
CigarSquid 11:39 PM 10-14-2011
Yep.. Mine has came to a flat spot in the road for now.. But the more I get emails and catalogs in the mail, and can't forget all the time on here.. The slop is approaching fast!
kelmac07 07:50 AM 10-15-2011
What Frank said...only a 5 pack of 601 Blues?? It will soon be me on this one. :-)
irratebass 08:09 AM 10-15-2011
Congrats Jason.....hey I at least bought a 8er lol
MrClean 01:26 PM 10-15-2011
Pretty soon you'll notice it goes from a gentle slope, to ice covered sheer drop off.....good luck with that.
Crownedone 03:21 PM 10-15-2011
To live in excess is to live. Embrace the dark side.
LostAbbott 03:43 PM 10-15-2011
Wait till you get to the top of the next cliff it is even steeper and the fall harder... :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
Jasonw560 11:28 PM 10-15-2011
Originally Posted by irratebass:
Congrats Jason.....hey I at least bought a 8er lol
:-) Finances precluded me from buying a larger sampler. There's always next time!

I am lookng at the abyss. I see rainbows and unicorns.
Bax 06:18 AM 10-16-2011
That's hardly even a drop in the well. Look back at this post in a year or two then just laugh :-)
Ogre 06:12 PM 10-16-2011
Just be forewarned, it turns into a CLIFF real quick!!!
never_enough 06:39 PM 10-16-2011
I'm preparing for the cliff. Have my first two humidors on the way and will start seasoning them right away. Will order my first batch of cigars a couple of days after that.
sevans105 07:51 PM 10-16-2011
Originally Posted by never_enough:
I'm preparing for the cliff. Have my first two humidors on the way and will start seasoning them right away. Will order my first batch of cigars a couple of days after that.
Save your money on a big cooler! And more cigars. Can't smoke the box!
Jasonw560 03:56 PM 10-17-2011
I just got back from jury duty. I'm already looking for the next sampler to get with the re-imbursement money!!! It ain't much, but it's something.
N2 GOLD 04:34 PM 10-17-2011
Wait till the real ride starts... :-)
Crownedone 04:57 PM 10-17-2011
Samplers...did someone say samplers? I love samplers...come on stop stalling, jump already!...jump!...jump!...jump!...
lyle23 08:13 PM 10-17-2011
The blue 601's are amazing, enjoy them. Step 2, order a box of them.
Lonely Raven 09:54 AM 10-18-2011
You are all enablers. That's all I have to say about that. :P
Remo 09:56 AM 10-18-2011
I have only been here 8 months and wasn't a serious smoker until I joined, now I have like over 400 sticks, trust me you will find the money :-)
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