fritz43096 08:35 PM 07-26-2011
What is that one note or combination of notes that when it(they) hit, you just think "oh yeah!"?
Davis 08:57 PM 07-26-2011
To be honest, I don't really know much about taste yet, I'm still relatively new at admiring cigars. With that being said, its just an "oh yeah" to me when it just tastes, smells and draws right.
designwise1 09:05 PM 07-26-2011
Chocolate, cinnamon, pepper.
and BBQ sauce.
Tyler 10:07 PM 07-26-2011
kelmac07 06:51 AM 07-27-2011
Tyler 07:03 AM 07-27-2011
Hmmm you mean Mac the resident maduro whore likes pepper?
Subvet642 07:29 AM 07-27-2011
Blak Smyth 07:32 AM 07-27-2011
N2 GOLD 11:30 AM 07-27-2011
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
Chocolate &/or Coffee
I concur...
KidRock 12:24 PM 07-27-2011
its hard to describe its like a toast/earth/floral note...
designwise1 02:02 PM 07-27-2011
I forgot coffee! And nutty.
Pretty complex question. Hope we are on the right track with answers for you.
688sonarmen 03:08 PM 07-27-2011
Fordman4ever 03:16 PM 07-27-2011
right now, leather and dark chocolate. Mostly happens to me at the end of a good cigar.
maninblack 03:33 PM 07-27-2011
Chocolate, spice and pepper!
icehog3 03:44 PM 07-27-2011
jjirons69 03:46 PM 07-27-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Pnoon and tang.
I fixed it for you.
icehog3 03:48 PM 07-27-2011
Originally Posted by jjirons69:
I fixed it for you.
Farts and Orange Juice? No thanks!
designwise1 04:01 PM 07-27-2011
fritz43096 05:24 PM 07-27-2011
Just realized I didn't answer my own survey question...for me its a buttery chocolate/coffee. Usually happens in the 2/3.
Hippiebrian 10:05 PM 07-27-2011
Nutty peppery coffee! Sounds kind of nasty outside of context, though.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Poon and tang.
What kind of cigars are you smoking and where can I get 50 boxes and a humidor big enough to hold them?
:-):-) (yes, a cigar like that would make bannanas dance...)