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General Discussion>Happy 4th of July you nut jobs!!!!
Drez 11:54 PM 07-03-2011
Happy 4th every. Let's all have fun and be safe!!!

Smoke some great cigars and have a great time!!

Tyler 12:01 AM 07-04-2011
Thanks brother! You too. Be safe if you have to work.
Emjaysmash 12:03 AM 07-04-2011
:-) Happy 4th!
Conch Republican 12:41 AM 07-04-2011
Originally Posted by Emjaysmash:
:-) Happy 4th!
DonnieW 05:48 AM 07-04-2011
MurphysLaw 07:54 AM 07-04-2011
Subvet642 07:57 AM 07-04-2011
Happy Independence Day!

hscmit 09:14 AM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th everybody
maninblack 09:14 AM 07-04-2011
And let's remember who makes this day possible for us. Thank a veteran for our freedom!! Happy 4th brothers and sisters!
alwayslit 09:31 AM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th. Enjoy and have some great smokes.
DPD6030 11:00 AM 07-04-2011
Looks like another bomb went off at Frank's place :-) Happy 4th of July. Oh and bomb Frank :-)
kelmac07 11:05 AM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th to all my BOTL/SOTL. :-)
Skywalker 11:11 AM 07-04-2011
Happy Independence Day!!!:-)
The Poet 11:11 AM 07-04-2011
Originally Posted by maninblack:
And let's remember who makes this day possible for us. Thank a veteran for our freedom!! Happy 4th brothers and sisters!
That is especially true if you locate a veteran from the Revolution. :-)

( :-) , but I found that impossible to resist. :-) )

I hope your 4th is at least better than the one I'm having, stuck here at work. :-)
Ogre 11:38 AM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th everyone.
EricF 11:43 AM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th Everyone!!!:-):-) :-):-) :-)
Trkdrvremt 12:06 PM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th!!!!

pennjones 12:43 PM 07-04-2011
Happy Independence Day!! God bless America and the troops that keep us free!
Retiredguy 01:34 PM 07-04-2011
Have a safe and pleasant 4th everyone! No fireworks in The Woodlands this year, so I'll just have to light up a couple of Padrons instead.
area51 01:56 PM 07-04-2011
Happy 4th
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