LasciviousXXX 09:34 AM 05-08-2011
CA is my home. Since the beginning of this great community I have been nothing but amazed by the constant generosity and good will shown by the brothers and sisters of Cigar Asylum. Everything from troop support, charity donations, PIF's, to the little everyday kind words and thoughtful bombs. I am always humbled by the kindness we show to each other and the rest of the world. Just being a part of CA has helped me to try and become a better person.
So it is with that thought in mind that I relate to you my small story from this morning. Today is Mother's Day. Unfortunately I had to work today but am still in fantastic spirits. So, in honor of Mother's Day, I decided to buy all of my female co-workers Starbucks this morning in order to say thanks to all the moms, soon-to-be moms, and women in our lives who make life better. So I collected everyone's drink order and headed down a few blocks to the local Starbucks. It wasn't very busy inside but there were a few people there to begin their morning ritual. I was standing at the end of the line with a list of 8 different drink orders in my hand for my co-workers. A woman in scrubs walks up behind me to get in line. I turn and tell her to go ahead and get in front of me since I have a bunch of orders and I'm sure she only needs a drink or two. She thanks me and gets in front of me in line. I strike up a conversation with her and tell her happy Mother's Day. She tells me that she is a nurse at one of the ER's and is just about to begin her shift. Being in public service myself, I sympathize with her having to work weekends, holidays and night shifts. She says that the hardest part of today was leaving her kids at home this morning. As she was leaving they asked her "Do you have to go? It's Mother's Day." I could tell she was feeling a bit conflicted about having to leave her kids home on what could inexplicably be called "her" day, so wanting to brighten this complete stranger's day I told her I would buy her coffee and her breakfast for her. Unexpectedly the woman broke down in tears right there in the line at Starbucks. To say I was surprised was an understatement. After myself and a Starbucks employee had calmed her down and got her seated she explained why she had reacted that way. She told me that the past month had been extremely hard on her because she's going through a rough divorce. She was going through a harsh legal battle over the custody of her children and had stretched her self a bit thin in her life. She stated that financially and emotionally it had been hard on her as she didn't have any family in the area. She had given up on people and had adopted a pessimistic and deafeatist attitude. She said she broke down crying because it was the first act of kindness that anyone had shown her in months. She didn't even realize how much she needed to know that people are inherently good. She told me that this single act had completely turned her day around and that now she was going to go to work energized, with a positive attitude. I'll tell you, it warmed my heart to hear that.
I got a bit more than I bargained for this morning but it cemented the fact that we all need a boost every now and again in our lives. I credit my CA fam for giving me mine when I needed it, and I also credit CA for inspiring me to pay it forward to another. We never know where people are in their lives or what they may be going through. Thank you CA for teaching me this lesson and inspiring me to be a better person.
Happy Mother's Day! Go out and spread some cheer and do something positive for a total stranger today
icehog3 09:38 AM 05-08-2011
That's why I love you, Brother...making a difference. Thanks for sharing, that just made my day as well, Týr.
LasciviousXXX 09:40 AM 05-08-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
That's why I love you, Brother...making a difference. Thanks for sharing, that just made my day as well, Týr.
:-) I'm learning from the best Tom! You and all the rest of the Asylum dwellers have helped me more than you'll ever know. And the
only way for me to ever repay that is to do the same for someone else.
ahc4353 09:42 AM 05-08-2011
Very nice Tyr.
Just reading the this brightened my day. Thank you.
Nice Job Tyr and great story, every once in awhile there is some good out there. Being cynical and jaded myself most of the time (line of work) it does feel good to change someone's outlook for the good every now and then
Eleven 09:47 AM 05-08-2011
Wow. Powerful stuff there Tyr!
Thanks for sharing it.
kelmac07 09:47 AM 05-08-2011
Thats what its all about. You helped her and she will in turn do if for someone else. Next thing you know we are all helping each other. Thanks for starting the chain.
Jbailey 10:15 AM 05-08-2011
What a great Post Tyr. I always enjoy reading/hearing stories like that.
That just made my day & I'm not even there....
It is amazing how seemingly small acts, can change someones day/week/year/life...
I raise my home-brewed to you Týr
Very cool Tyr. It's amazing how far a good attitude will go not only for yourself but the way it affects others around you. Props to you brother
massphatness 10:55 AM 05-08-2011
Thanks for sharing what it's all about, Tyr. This place, Club Stogie before it, taught me what PIF was all about. And I was surprised to learn it had very little to do with cigars.
LasciviousXXX 11:00 AM 05-08-2011
Yes! Thanks Vin, I neglected to mention the Club Stogie family. Club Stogie is where it all began for me but I couldn't be happier that we morphed and grew into Cigar Asylum.
Oh and thank you as well Vin for sharing your turn with me in the MAW/PIF. You exemplify kindness and generosity brother
3SmokesaRound 11:03 AM 05-08-2011
Great story indeed! Thanks for sharing
replicant_argent 11:30 AM 05-08-2011
You smoothed a bump in her road when she most needed it, Tyr. Well done.
14holestogie 11:37 AM 05-08-2011
Great story and an awesome gesture, Tyr.
bobarian 11:38 AM 05-08-2011
Tyr, Thanks for sharing such a wonderful and heartwarming story. It really goes to show how we can spread the spirit from this wonderful place.
mariogolbee 11:44 AM 05-08-2011
And now her tears are shared. Thanks for sharing this story along with a little piece of yourself.
racerX 01:08 PM 05-08-2011