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All Cigar Discussion>Favorite Vitola
emopunker2004 03:01 AM 03-31-2011
So, I've come to the conclusion that my overall favorite vitola is a corona. Not sure why exactly, I just find myself gravitating toward this particular size more often. So, what's you favorite vitola?
Lumpold 03:03 AM 03-31-2011
Lancero, followed swiftly by figurado :-)
Patrick B 03:22 AM 03-31-2011
Corona here, too. Best flavor of almost any blend I like. Tatuaje Noella comes to mind as a great example of this.
mariogolbee 03:32 AM 03-31-2011
It's hard for me to zero in on one. I'd say depending on how much time I have either pc, robusto, toro or lancero.
Bunker 03:39 AM 03-31-2011
It is more of a ring gauge thing for me with 42-48 being the sweet-spot.

My current favorite smoke is the Tatuaje Havana Cazadore.

There was a time that I didn't like anything south of 50 in ring gauge, but then I realized it was just because I was smoking lousy cigars.

As I moved up towards the top shelf I realized I enjoy the smaller ring gauges much more
dannyboy 04:18 AM 03-31-2011
I find myself smoking mostly robustos, but love a good figurado. I also tend to enjoy corona, petite corona, corona gorda, lancero, dalias. Hell, if it tastes good I smoke it, just not much north of about 50 rg, preferable in the mid 40's.
quantim0 04:53 AM 03-31-2011
Somewhat in order: corona gorda, corona, bellicoso, lonsdale, petite corona, lancero
thecatch83 05:11 AM 03-31-2011
Corona and Figurado for sure. I've been smoking alot of Tat Hermosos and Noellas...something about the 42-46 ring gauge that I prefer. I can't remember the last time I had a churchill size or anything over 7 inches other than an Anejo #48 which was delicious.
kelmac07 05:35 AM 03-31-2011
Belicoso, Robusto, Toro, that order. Just learning to SLOW DOWN and enjoy lanceros.
lbowles2 06:00 AM 03-31-2011
I love me a good corona. Like others said I don't really like em too far north of 50 rg.
MurphysLaw 06:04 AM 03-31-2011
If I had to pick a favorite I'd probably go with corona as well, and I rarely buy anything above a 50rg.
RevSmoke 06:27 AM 03-31-2011
Just one size? Pick just one? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Depending on day, how much time I have, what flavor I am looking for, what mood I am in, who I am with, whether I am outside in the wind or not, what did I just eat, what am I drinking, etc...

It might be:
Petite Corona
Double toro

Whatever is in my humidor is one of my favorites.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
SteveH 06:36 AM 03-31-2011
Bellicoso and Lonsdales. I've really started to get into some of the smaller RG stuff; trying to understand wrapper differences better.
kickerb 07:31 AM 03-31-2011
perfecto, toro, and then corona
Frodo 07:40 AM 03-31-2011
I'd have to say lonsdale but they are rarely sold on the resale market...
Trent0341 07:50 AM 03-31-2011
Originally Posted by dannyboy:
I find myself smoking mostly robustos, but love a good figurado. I also tend to enjoy corona, petite corona, corona gorda, lancero, dalias. Hell, if it tastes good I smoke it, just not much north of about 50 rg, preferable in the mid 40's.
I couldn't word it much better myself. I always seem to gravitate towards the robust size but I'm not one to limit myself :-). Not a huge fan of this new huge RG trend. Not sure why everyone wants to stick something that size in their mouth... just saying'
Skywalker 07:52 AM 03-31-2011
It depends on the cigar and the moment. If I'm going to watch a two hour movie then a nice churchill works best.

If I'm in it for the flavor and complexity of the cigar a nice lancero or corona works for me.
icehog3 07:59 AM 03-31-2011
No love for the mareva? :-)
cobra03 08:02 AM 03-31-2011
Anything under 50 RG unless its a belicoso
Dunkel 08:18 AM 03-31-2011
Robusto, Corona Gorda, Toro ,Belicoso and Corona in that order. Can't understand why Lanceros are so popular, but different strokes I reckon.
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