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All Cigar Discussion>RP 1990 Problem?
rxme 04:47 PM 03-26-2011
So me and my friend were smoking Rocky Patel 1990's the other day and we had both of them start unraveling about half way through the wrapper seemed extremely thin. now lets just get this out of the way, We did not lit them up from the cap end it was lit from the foot. Is this a common problem, it happened twice right in front of me.....
Bax 04:48 PM 03-26-2011
Originally Posted by rxme:
So me and my friend were smoking Rocky Patel 1990's the other day and we had both of them start unraveling about half way through the wrapper seemed extremely thin. now lets just get this out of the way, We did not lit them up from the cap end it was lit from the foot. Is this a common problem, it happened twice right in front of me.....
Probably just too dry.
Bill86 04:49 PM 03-26-2011
That's odd, what RH/temp were they stored at?
rxme 04:53 PM 03-26-2011
72 degrees F and 70% +-2 humidity and the have been in there for a month at that. I have a digital humidity gauge and temp to measure with
alexa071 05:49 PM 03-26-2011
I've smoked the RP 1990's, the RP 1992's and both of the vintage second versions. I've never had a problem with this. Maybe the guy rolling them that day was hung over? Maybe you got a little overzealous with the cutter? Clip it past the shoulder and you're asking for trouble...

JaKaacH 06:06 PM 03-26-2011
Originally Posted by alexa071:
I've smoked the RP 1990's, the RP 1992's and both of the vintage second versions. I've never had a problem with this. Maybe the guy rolling them that day was hung over? Maybe you got a little overzealous with the cutter? Clip it past the shoulder and you're asking for trouble...

Make sure not to clip to much.
rxme 06:31 PM 03-26-2011
Im aware not to cut past the shoulder and it wasn't even at that one was punched which would be a little odd if that happend past the shoulder.
I guess more of what I am wondering if a few boxes left rp being rolled poorly.
smokin5 06:51 PM 03-26-2011
I've had it happen a few (not many) times.
I chalk it up to the very dry air here in AZ.
Storage humidity doesn't matter much
when the outside RH is in the low 20's.

Was it a fairly dry day when you lit up?
rxme 07:03 PM 03-26-2011
It was raining. Im thinking it just might be a fluke that these two cigars did that. I got them to try the decade egde and 1990 the are all good cigars but if the construction on the 1990 is so poor I may be temped to not buy them again. I have another I'll take pictures and repost the tragedy.
rxme 07:05 PM 03-26-2011
@ bill86 your pic is that from a belgin beer like demonte or modite?
alexa071 12:52 AM 03-27-2011
Originally Posted by JaKaacH:
Make sure not to clip to much.
Heh... yah.. stupid, silly me. There I go tryin' to help and all. :-)
rxme 02:46 PM 03-27-2011
I'm not trying to be rude ;however, every time I mention this issue somebody says you shouldnt have cut so much even though i've said there was a punched used on one. I didnt use the cutted on that one. So please be a smart ass to someone else.
neoflex 02:55 PM 03-27-2011
If you don't want those type of responses you should mention how it was cut etc. in your initial post. Guys are just trying to help. Have you calibrated your hygrometer recently? Just because its digital doesn't necessarily mean its accurate.
pnoon 03:05 PM 03-27-2011
Originally Posted by rxme:
I'm not trying to be rude ;however, every time I mention this issue somebody says you shouldnt have cut so much even though i've said there was a punched used on one. I didnt use the cutted on that one. So please be a smart ass to someone else.
No one is trying to be rude or a smart ass. However, your testy reply seems to be. I've re-read the entire thread and folks are trying to help you out. Isn't that what you wanted when you started this thread?
Stick 08:49 PM 03-27-2011
Originally Posted by rxme:
@ bill86 your pic is that from a belgin beer like demonte or modite?
It's Stone Brewing's logo.
pnoon 09:55 PM 03-27-2011
Still some unanswered questions.
poker 08:45 AM 03-28-2011
Originally Posted by rxme:
I'm not trying to be rude ;however, every time I mention this issue somebody says you shouldnt have cut so much even though i've said there was a punched used on one. I didnt use the cutted on that one. So please be a smart ass to someone else.
Actually, nobody said "You should'nt have.." (implying that in fact that you did)

Originally Posted by alexa071:
... Maybe you got a little overzealous with the cutter?
Originally Posted by JaKaacH:
Make sure not to clip to much.
All anybody here did was try to offer some possible solutions to your dilemma as to why based on their experience with information that you initially provided.

An excerpt from our rule guidelines:
Originally Posted by :
One thing we DO request of every member is to be courteous towards everyone here. Especially to the new members. Remember, we were all new to cigars at one time or another so cut the new guys some slack and guide them gently to understanding the error of their ways if they make a mistake.
That particular door swings both ways.
tx_tuff 01:49 PM 03-28-2011
Maybe the problem was you and your friend was smoking RPs LOL Hey somebody had to say it.
qsalinas 05:00 PM 03-28-2011
Originally Posted by tx_tuff:
Maybe the problem was you and your friend was smoking RPs LOL Hey somebody had to say it.
OLS 06:18 PM 03-28-2011
Originally Posted by rxme:
I'm not trying to be rude ;however, every time I mention this issue somebody says you shouldnt have cut so much even though i've said there was a punched used on one. I didnt use the cutted on that one. So please be a smart ass to someone else.
Wait, wait, sure, Alexa got a little chippy with his statement, (and middle finger salute) but first of all, you failed to STATE
up front that you did not incorrectly cut the cigars, as one might think you would in a situation where you say that basically
'Everybody told me that'. Unless you are talking about JUST HERE and you haven't posted this elsewhere. I'd think if people
at other forums already told you that, you might have said that up front to ensure you didn't get more of the same. But calling
people a smart-a$$ while you are still in single digit posts in the best cigar forum on the internet is DUMB. You won't get
hounded out of town like in some of the monkey-poo forums, but it's not a very good start here. Why don't you rewind that
a little bit and try again. I mean unless you just don't want to be here, anyway. And what's with thee lack of commas and
periods...we don't charge you extra for that, you can use any characters you wish here at CA.

As for the cigars, I remember when Rocky cared more about cigars than money, that was back in the Indian Tabac days.
RP 1990 commemorates the last year that Rocky cared about his cigars more than money, so that's gonna happen now and again.
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