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General Discussion>Boys arrested for Releasing Live Chicken into School
Starscream 07:17 AM 03-17-2011

Simple senior prank results in tresspassing charges, missing the prom, and not walking across the stage for graduation. Yes, they deserve to be punished but isn't it a little bit severe for putting a live chicken through a window of their school in the middle of the night?

No one was hurt, nor was there any damage caused.
replicant_argent 07:24 AM 03-17-2011
What kind of complete arshehole makes that punishment? The need a swift kick in the goolies.
Blueface 07:25 AM 03-17-2011
What they did sounds mild compared to the pranks I pulled off in HS.
Guess by these folks standards, I would have been executed.
HollywoodQue 07:41 AM 03-17-2011
Wow, these kids nowadays are losing their damn minds.
replicant_argent 07:46 AM 03-17-2011
Originally Posted by Blueface:
What they did sounds mild compared to the pranks I pulled off in HS.
Guess by these folks standards, I would have been executed.
Not only that, but for one I pulled, I would have been arrested, charged with causing PTSD, had a psych profile done on me, had to pay for counseling of all involved, and more than likely had prison time.
Back when people were more sensible and un-PC? Yeah... nothing happened. At all. Not even a "you should never have done that" from the teacher that was in the room.
shilala 07:48 AM 03-17-2011
Thank God they stopped them before this thing got out of hand.
hammondc 07:49 AM 03-17-2011
Jeez...we drove cars across the campus grass, rolled the gym, dyed the fountain and painted new lines on the football field, perpendicular to the yard lines.

We would have been burned alive.
Blueface 07:59 AM 03-17-2011
Originally Posted by hammondc:
Jeez...we drove cars across the campus grass, rolled the gym, dyed the fountain and painted new lines on the football field, perpendicular to the yard lines.

We would have been burned alive.
Stole the master lock and changed all locks on lockers.
They had to cut them all off and replace them.

Emptied extinguishers in hallway on students as they switched classes.

I dared my best friend to exit the class as we were pissed at teacher. Except he did it on third floor window and walked around the building. I thought he was walking out behind me and turn to see teacher scream and pass out.

The list goes on and on.
I would have been shot over burning as quicker.
hammondc 08:02 AM 03-17-2011
He jumped out the window? Wow....that is stout.
Devanmc 08:10 AM 03-17-2011
Originally Posted by HollywoodQue:
Wow, these kids nowadays are losing their damn minds.
ive heard of worse and more elaborate, without getting any charges. i think it ridiculous that the school is doing all that.
JaKaacH 08:30 AM 03-17-2011
Guess which kid got suspended..?
Blueface 08:34 AM 03-17-2011
Originally Posted by hammondc:
He jumped out the window? Wow....that is stout.
Not quite.
Walked out the window, onto the ledge and around the building, into another window, back in the building.
Made the school paper.
Got us both suspended.
replicant_argent 08:57 AM 03-17-2011
Originally Posted by JaKaacH:
Guess which kid got suspended..?
And the government thinks we need to focus on "bullying."

Kids seem to be able to sort it out themselves. Notice how the kid was passive until he passed his limits, solved the situation in kind, and then just walked away. Kudos to that kid.

As a side note and an edit... the bullied kid could have seriously hurt the other one, I am aware. I still don't feel too sorry for the prancy kid and the likely 3-4 of his friends that might have decided to gang up on the "victim" and hurt him as well.
Stephen 09:55 AM 03-17-2011
Originally Posted by JaKaacH:
Guess which kid got suspended..?
Not gonna lie, I laughed pretty good at that. Don't start none, won't be none.
justonemorestick 12:30 AM 03-18-2011
We relocated a couple of teachers cars and parked them on different sides of the school the 50 yard line of the foot ball field etc.
Bill86 01:04 AM 03-18-2011
That kind of prank should be expected. I don't understand why kids get in trouble for this sh!t.
Wolfgang 01:13 AM 03-18-2011
My classmates and I removed the wheels from my professors Porsche. Then proceeded to hide them all over campus. Good times.
Ahbroody 01:51 AM 03-18-2011
8ft Bobs Bigboy statue from restaurant on the roof of the gym, stacked tables into a pyramid in quad, some other random crap. We didnt get caught though.
taltos 06:26 AM 03-18-2011
We had a couple of pranks that were commonly employed in graduate school;
Most of the class rooms had electric projection screens that had to come complely down before the direction could be reversed so numerous ****ographic pictures were taped to the screens when we knew in advance that the screen would be used and the other popular prank was to switch films if someone, student or professor made the mistake of loading the projector in advance of class. These pranks were generally laughed at and recognized as a method of letting off steam in a high pressure atmosphere and this was at a relatively strict Jesuit University. I would think that the kid with the chicken would get credit for being original.
rizzle 09:19 AM 03-18-2011
Originally Posted by HollywoodQue:
Wow, these kids nowadays are losing their damn minds.
Eh, maybe. BUT, we did this, just slightly different, when I was in high school back in the early 80's.

Now I haven't read the article, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume since a chicken was involved it is probably a fairly rural area. I grew up in a small rural town as well, about 7k people where everybody knew everybody. Our high school had these double glass doors down close to the band room and shop that if you jerked on them real hard they would come open. There was no alarm except for up around the front office, which was completely on the other side of the school, so that never came into play either. You could also get in through a hatch in the roof that led down into the custodian's closet next to the lunchroom. When you live in a town like this there ain't a whole lot else to do but figure this stuff out. :-)

So, we'd get a couple of chickens, jerk the doors open, and instead of just letting them loose, we'd move one of the ceiling tiles and let them go up there. So then they could literally walk around up there in the ceiling over the whole school. You would be sitting in class and you'd hear them up in the ceiling scratching around and it was just the best freaking thing ever. :-)

Now today, you'd probably get into a lot more trouble if you got caught, which we never did. But this stuff has been going on forever. In fact, what worries me more today about kids is they have no freaking social skills because they keep their noses buried in video games and cell phones 24 hours a day. Get out and live, a little mischief never hurt anyone....I seemed to have turned out okay. :-)
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