bvilchez 07:08 PM 02-16-2011
My lil AJ is growing up and he's really protective and aware of his sister, Shayla. He's 2 1/2 years old and Shayla is 4 1/2 months old.
Looks like he's going to have to work overtime. Wife and I found out #3 is on it's way late summer.
This was unplanned but damn.....ALL I DID WAS LOOK AT HER!!!!!!
chand 07:10 PM 02-16-2011
Zeuceone 07:13 PM 02-16-2011
congrats brother. might be time for one of these/
Starscream 07:14 PM 02-16-2011
Awesome! Enjoy them all and take care of them!
Emjaysmash 07:15 PM 02-16-2011
mariogolbee 07:17 PM 02-16-2011
Congrats on the even newer addition, Jay!
kelmac07 07:18 PM 02-16-2011
joeobx 07:35 PM 02-16-2011
Congrats on the news.....better start buying Short smokes.
mpd340 07:37 PM 02-16-2011
Damn dude now you're never gonna have any time for me.
Stogeyfish 07:42 PM 02-16-2011
Congratulations to you and your wife Jay!
TBone 07:54 PM 02-16-2011 goes to show sometimes you just gotta look away....
EricF 07:58 PM 02-16-2011
Congrats on the new surprise!!!
Blueface 08:01 PM 02-16-2011
Tyler 08:08 PM 02-16-2011
jesseboston81 08:19 PM 02-16-2011
Congrats brother, but it just sounds like you're asking for a condom bomb!