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All Cigar Discussion>Nicotine Buzzzzzz
OHRD 02:17 PM 02-16-2011
Looking for some techniques/experiences for avoiding/removing the dreaded nicotine buzz.

I've heard eat sugar immediately, or even before...but what are some good extra-sugary things to eat? Peppermints, skittles, other candies?

Other ideas?

I've been smoking cigars for probably 15 years, but still can't build up a tolerance; I love the flavor of fuller bodied cigars, but find myself stuck in the low-medium range.
Krish the Fish 02:20 PM 02-16-2011
Eating carbs beforehand used to do the trick for me. There's a chipotle right beside my B&M, so I would always get a burrito before a smoke, and it used to do the trick.

However, I'm almost 3 years in (1 year since the big plunge though), and I can't get a buzz off anything anymore. I could go all day without eating and get nothing from a LFD DL-700 or a Camacho Triple Maduro. :-)
Emjaysmash 02:23 PM 02-16-2011
Big meal beforehand helps.

Drinking something like Coke while smoking helps. I've also heard chocolate works well.
NCRadioMan 02:28 PM 02-16-2011
What you are feeling are symptoms of low blood-sugar. So, sugar is the cure for nicotine sickness. As said, drink a sugary drink while smoking. Have a full stomach. Go slow. It might be a good idea to keep some packets of sugar with you. As soon as you start to feel it, down one of the packets to help bring your blood-sugar back up. Pretty much anything with sugar in it.
OHRD 02:28 PM 02-16-2011
Forgot to mention this - I weigh 130 pounds soaking wet!
Bill86 02:32 PM 02-16-2011
I hate the horrible dreaded nicotine buzz too. I smoked cigarettes for 5 years and for some reason cigars will occasionally still get me. I usually eat before hand unless I know it's a more mild cigar. I'm not exactly sure if or how much weight plays into it. I'm not really a fan of those super full strength cigars anyways. I like a medium-full.
Emjaysmash 02:41 PM 02-16-2011
Originally Posted by OHRD:
Forgot to mention this - I weigh 130 pounds soaking wet!
You know, you could try those glucose tablets they have for diabetics to bring up their sugar in emergencies...
OHRD 02:44 PM 02-16-2011
I've actually thought about being tested for diabetes, and probably need to - I wonder if that's affecting me. My dad is diabetic, and I frequently have some of the symptoms tied to it.
Emjaysmash 02:47 PM 02-16-2011
Originally Posted by OHRD:
I've actually thought about being tested for diabetes, and probably need to - I wonder if that's affecting me. My dad is diabetic, and I frequently have some of the symptoms tied to it.
Can't hurt to find out! Diabetes runs in my family as well, so it's a somewhat talked about topic in my family.

If you do have diabetes, smoking cigars definitely affects you.
TBone 02:55 PM 02-16-2011
I find the miniature hersey dark chocolate helps knock out my nic headache in about 10 mins. Greatest secret known to a botl
wayner123 02:58 PM 02-16-2011
Are you sure it's the nicotine?? A BOTL I know can handle cigarettes with no problem, but the thicker smoke of cigars get him every time.
ninjavanish 03:02 PM 02-16-2011
Anything with REAL sugar will counteract mild nicotine poisoning.

The High Fructose Corn syrup in most sodas works well enough too.

A lot of Candies/chocolate work well enough.

If all else fails... get a tablespoon of sugar, drop it on your tongue and let it dissolve slowly.

Diet Drinks dont work very well because of the artificial sweetener.

The last time I felt queazy I grabbed a big dollop of icing from a birthday cake. Started feeling better within minutes.

Don't smoke strong cigars on an empty stomach. And also I've noticed a correlation between being hot and feeling sick... like smoking outside on a hot day in the sun... Doesn't do you any favors either.
druturn 03:02 PM 02-16-2011
Originally Posted by OHRD:
Forgot to mention this - I weigh 130 pounds soaking wet!
Well there's your problem! Put some meat on those bones! :-)

JK, I don't really have the problem of nic buzzes from cigars. Then again, I weigh just a shade under 300 and use smokeless tobacco frequently. :-)
hotreds 03:05 PM 02-16-2011
Plain ole sugar in packets. Keep a few in your travel humi or by your smoke area, and down one or two when you start feeling it. As suggested, drink a non diet soda while you smoke. Smoke slowly. Don't smoke on an empty stomach. And, avoid some of the recent issues whose sole purpose of existing seems to be to knock you on your arse with 100% ligiero!
elderboy02 03:11 PM 02-16-2011
I rarely get buzzed, but someone told me that the candy orange slices with all the sugar on the outside help.
Bill86 03:18 PM 02-16-2011
Originally Posted by ninjavanish:
Anything with REAL sugar will counteract mild nicotine poisoning.

The High Fructose Corn syrup in most sodas works well enough too.

A lot of Candies/chocolate work well enough.

If all else fails... get a tablespoon of sugar, drop it on your tongue and let it dissolve slowly.

Diet Drinks dont work very well because of the artificial sweetener.

The last time I felt queazy I grabbed a big dollop of icing from a birthday cake. Started feeling better within minutes.

Don't smoke strong cigars on an empty stomach. And also I've noticed a correlation between being hot and feeling sick... like smoking outside on a hot day in the sun... Doesn't do you any favors either.

Great point I forgot to mention. :-) I usually will only smoke in the shade or when the temperature is roughly 40-75.
MajorCaptSilly 03:22 PM 02-16-2011
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Plain ole sugar in packets. Keep a few in your travel humi or by your smoke area, and down one or two when you start feeling it. As suggested, drink a non diet soda while you smoke. Smoke slowly. Don't smoke on an empty stomach. And, avoid some of the recent issues whose sole purpose of existing seems to be to knock you on your arse with 100% ligiero!
I'm with Hugh. I use pure cane sugar packets. 1-2 will do in most cases.

Lucky_Hippo 03:23 PM 02-16-2011
I keep plain old sugar cubes on hand. They’ve worked fast and consistently for me over the years. Eating a decent meal before smoking strong sticks helps as well. (As others have already mentioned above)
bajaraider 03:24 PM 02-16-2011
All great tips. Thanks guys!!!
JDTexan 03:25 PM 02-16-2011
What symptoms do you all fell due to nicotine poisoning/buzz? I have been nauseous before but that happens in the rare occasion. If I catch a buzz off of a cigar it is usually just a light head.
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