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All Cigar Discussion>Cigar Pouches
Flynnster 07:15 PM 02-02-2011
Quick question on storage, wasn't sure if it should go here or in the accessories are.
Every time I purchase cigars at my local shop they give me a silver cigar bag (essentially a nice looking ziplock) and since I don't have a humidor I was wondering how long I could keep a cigar in one of these guys?
chippewastud79 07:17 PM 02-02-2011
At least a week, likely a few assuming it seals completely. Add a humidification source and you could store them forever (in theory). :-)
T.G 07:20 PM 02-02-2011
Depends how well it seals and what the conditions are outside of the bag, but generally speaking at least a week or so. Probably a bit less for the ones with the sliding zipper tab, as most of the ones I've received don't seal.

If you double bag things, you could store the cigars much longer.
Flynnster 12:13 AM 02-03-2011
Alright, sounds good, I'm thinking of ordering a fiver and a couple singles and wanna make sure they won't be ruined.
SvilleKid 12:35 AM 02-03-2011
I've used the bigger ones that whole boxes of AFs are packaged in, added a couple of water pillows, and kept overflow singles for months and months without any adverse effects. 2 gallon ziplocks will hold two or three whole boxes (depending on size). A cheap alternative for temporary storage.
T.G 12:44 AM 02-03-2011
How long do you plan to store them for in the ziploc bags? A week? A month? Longer?

1-2 weeks or so, just double bag them. Longer, add a humidifier between the two bags (drop the bag with the cigars into another ziploc along with a humidifier - could be as simple as a lightly moistened paper towel).

So long as the bags don't have holes in them, and they seal, you'll be fine. Cigars are pretty tough.
rharris 12:52 AM 02-03-2011
You can also use one of those cheap tupperware like dealies for keeping food in. Some of them have a great seal and would work awesome for a temporary humi.
SvilleKid 09:54 AM 02-03-2011
Originally Posted by rharris:
You can also use one of those cheap tupperware like dealies for keeping food in. Some of them have a great seal and would work awesome for a temporary humi.
Especially when they have the silicone seal and snap tab lids! Those containers will hold moisture forever!

Of course, by the time you pay for one of those larger ones, you can almost buy a 40 count humi from the devil site (I recently purchased two 40 counts for $13 each for future bomb runs). Just sayin'.....
Flynnster 11:03 AM 02-03-2011
This devil site you speak of, what is it? because a 40 count is about as big as I could fit here in my dorm.
T.G 11:11 AM 02-03-2011
Originally Posted by Flynnster:
This devil site you speak of, what is it? because a 40 count is about as big as I could fit here in my dorm.

cross check your prices with, (Famous auctions can be found at, etc before jumping in. Also, bid low, you'll lose a lot, but what you win, you'll get for a very good price.
Flynnster 11:28 AM 02-03-2011
I feel like this is the beginning of a very slippery slope....
T.G 11:37 AM 02-03-2011
Originally Posted by Flynnster:
I feel like this is the beginning of a very slippery slope....
kafreeman 02:00 PM 02-03-2011
The slope is steep too....
Commander Quan 02:15 PM 02-03-2011
I think it's more like this.
Chemyst 10:40 PM 02-03-2011
You definitely should set up a tupperdor.
I keep a couple of boxes of overflow in one.
Has worked great for years.

Chemyst :-)
BSB 10:08 AM 02-04-2011
Screw it, just get a small cooler. That way, when you see great deals on boxes, you will already be set.
Flynnster 09:53 PM 02-04-2011
Perhaps some tupperware, but no need to coolidor. I will only be needing a few cigars on hand in case the Chicago weather decides to be warm enough to allow me to smoke.

Now once summer hits on the other hand, I have a massive cooler at home.
guitar4001 09:54 AM 02-05-2011
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
At least a week, likely a few assuming it seals completely. Add a humidification source and you could store them forever (in theory). :-)
staminator 11:06 AM 02-07-2011
Originally Posted by T.G:
could be as simple as a lightly moistened paper towel
When he says lightly, he means lightly. I overhumidified a few cigars this way.
Miket156 08:32 AM 02-11-2011
Originally Posted by :
by T.G.:

cross check your prices with, (Famous auctions can be found at, etc before jumping in. Also, bid low, you'll lose a lot, but what you win, you'll get for a very good price.
I'd skip if you are looking for a Humidor. I posted on another thread that they charge a flat rate of $20.00 for shipping a Humidor. Totally outrageous. I don't want to rehash the entire thread about this, but whoever runs CI is smoking something other than cigars. :-)

So far, I haven't been to impressed with Famous either. If you want a Humidor and want it quick, check I live in Central PA, and I got my Humidor (shipped from Florida) in two days! was less expensive than either CI or Famous, and I got free shipping. (I also bought all my humidor supplies with my order too).

Famous and CI's niche seems to be no name bundles on the cheap. They've got a long way to go (IMO) on name brand smokes and accessories. :-)

You can also check Evilbay if you want really low prices, but I've always found Evilbay a crap shoot, and SLOW. If you want a humidor in a reasonable amount of time, go to a reseller that's in the business and has them in stock at a fair price.


Mike T.
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