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General Discussion>I gotta Gloat!! I Got a Google ChromeOS CR-48 Laptop Today. FREE
sammyboy405 11:21 PM 01-27-2011
Im Not sure how I Got to be a Lucky one to receive a Free Google Laptop. But It was at my doorstep today.

There are the Specs on it. Im really excited!!


bvilchez 11:22 PM 01-27-2011
I didn't even know Google had a laptop.

Darrell 11:23 PM 01-27-2011
I am confused. A laptop just showed up at your house?
mariogolbee 11:25 PM 01-27-2011
Originally Posted by Darrell:
I am confused. A laptop just showed up at your house?
Ogre 11:27 PM 01-27-2011
Originally Posted by Darrell:
I am confused. A laptop just showed up at your house?
:-) but sweet anyhow!!!
sammyboy405 11:28 PM 01-27-2011

I Signed up for it Several Months ago.
Drez 11:29 PM 01-27-2011
Nice I wish a laptop just showed up at my house. Mine crapper out last week on me so thank god I have a iPhone!!!!!

Nice comp though man!!!
Darrell 11:30 PM 01-27-2011
Looks schweet, I like my MacBook Pro though. :-)
jitzy 11:31 PM 01-27-2011
I signed up for it too a while ago and have just wrote it off. Maybe theres still hope
mariogolbee 11:32 PM 01-27-2011
That is sweet.
sammyboy405 11:47 PM 01-27-2011
Originally Posted by jitzy:
I signed up for it too a while ago and have just wrote it off. Maybe theres still hope
I Signed up Back in September. So Their maybe still hope for ya.

I Normally use a Macbook Pro as well.. But Man this is pretty nice..
Boots in less than 10 seconds.. and is just very responsive! :-) Im Loving it so far. I have a Dell Mini 1010 Netbook and it spanks it.
jitzy 11:53 PM 01-27-2011
I think it was november when I signed up and like you I'm a Mac guy and would love this to play around with.
Skywalker 11:57 PM 01-27-2011
CoreyD 12:43 AM 01-28-2011
Good way for me to try out a laptop, I do have a broken one in my closet, an alien software one that my friend gave me if I figure out whats wrong with it I can have it kinda deal.
OHRD 12:21 PM 01-28-2011
Just submitted my application! If I am selected, you can expect a nice little bomb!!!
dunng 12:41 PM 01-28-2011
Sweet, I have been on the list for a bit... :-)
Starscream 01:38 PM 01-28-2011
Jason 02:48 PM 01-28-2011
I put in for one of these the day of the conference where it was showcased and was just wondering last night if I'd ever see one... I'm going to take this as a good omen
Bageland2000 02:55 PM 01-28-2011
Originally Posted by :
It runs web-based applications, not legacy PC software.
Haha I'm not sure that I want EVERYTHING i do to require an internet connection. That just screams reliability and privacy issues. yikes! Let us know how it works out sammy!
Mugen910 03:04 PM 01-28-2011
I guess I didn't get picked :-)
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