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General Discussion>DIP
Eli18 11:29 AM 01-14-2011
just wondering if there is any cigar smoking dippers out there wondering if they have any new dip in there lips to talk about.
hscmit 12:53 PM 01-14-2011
gave it up about 2 years ago
replicant_argent 12:55 PM 01-14-2011
it is pretty rare that chewing tobacco or dip is mentioned here, to give you an idea. (Nasal) Snuff is quite a bit more prevalent.
treatneggy 02:52 PM 01-14-2011
No dip here. Just snus and snuff.
pektel 03:01 PM 01-14-2011
Tried it once. Kodiak wintergreen. I think I was 14 at the time. Puked my guts out, and haven't tried it since.
Emjaysmash 03:10 PM 01-14-2011
I snuff and snus occasionally, but never dip. Tried it once and it made me feel sick.
hscmit 03:15 PM 01-14-2011
Kodiak straight especially when I used to be outside on sites a lot,

I diped occasionally from the time I was 15/16 until late 20's and never got sick feeling except when I tried the skoal berry blend that was a free sample, ungodly taste.

Must be a southern thing
Bill86 04:22 PM 01-14-2011
I've been on a Snus kick lately, quite enjoyable. But I've never dipped, always seemed so stereotypical to the people around here though.
shvictor 06:15 PM 01-14-2011
I chewed Copenhagen for 25+years. Gave it up last year though
Knip23 06:27 PM 01-14-2011
Grizzly Mint, $1.75 a can OUTSTANDING! Cant go with out it.

Yardgnome 07:15 PM 01-14-2011
Cope Snuff for the last 10 years, if I can't find snuff I'll grab a tin of cope long cut
kelmac07 09:28 PM 01-14-2011
Been supporting Copenhagen for the last 33 years.
Eli18 03:18 PM 01-15-2011
just wondering i had picked up a can of copehagen black its bourbon flavored dip and it was so good i called them and complemented them on its great flavor
Knip23 03:34 PM 01-15-2011
I do know that for those soldiers that are deployed, if they write Cope or whoever they like to dip asking if they can order logs from them, sometimes they'll mail you some or just give some to you. But you have to explain where you are and that there is only Turkish blened Cope and what not where you are.

G G 03:39 PM 01-15-2011
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Been supporting Copenhagen for the last 33 years.
You started when you were three?:-)

I am a dipper for the last 31 years since I was fourteen. Have dipped it all at some time or another. I currently am using Stokers Tubs in wintergreen long cut. It's the equivalent of 10 cans for $10.00 if I drive 15 miles to Georgia and buy it.
mpd340 03:45 PM 01-15-2011
Red Seal fine cut wintergreen. Been doing since I was 14.
kelmac07 05:19 PM 01-15-2011
Originally Posted by ggainey:
You started when you were three?:-)
Started when I was 10...Mr Math Genius. :-) :-) :-)
G G 05:28 PM 01-15-2011
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Started when I was 10...Mr Math Genius. :-) :-) :-)
I am a student of fuzzy math.:-)
hscmit 09:35 PM 01-15-2011
cant do fine cut
Knip23 10:01 PM 01-15-2011
I can only do fine cut if there is nothing else, I MEAN NOTHING ELSE.

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