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All Cigar Discussion>Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature Revisit
MithShrike 09:47 PM 11-13-2008
So I first smoked one of these about two years ago. I smoked half of it, declared it **** and lamented the money I spent on it. Well today I was updating the descriptions for the Hemingways on our site and figured I'd revisit it.

Bad idea. Waste of $8 after tax. It was well constructed. It held an ash for two inches before I ashed it. It was very subdued. Nothing popped, stood out or sang to me. The cigar tasted like sweetened envelope adhesive, paper, some bitterness, and a little Cameroon sweetness. Blah. I smoked it all the way down hoping it would get better. Nope, didn't happen. Then when I went to remove the band the adhesive tore off a good chunk of wrapper.

Overall I give this cigar a 4.5/10. Definitely not going to smoke one again.
Scottw 10:12 PM 11-13-2008
That sux, from what I have experienced, Fuente makes a quality product, sorry this one didn't turn out the way you wanted it to.
MithShrike 10:24 PM 11-13-2008
Originally Posted by Scottw:
That sux, from what I have experienced, Fuente makes a quality product, sorry this one didn't turn out the way you wanted it to.
I have yet to smoke a Fuente I've really enjoyed.

Don Carlos: Meh.
Hemingway: Yech.
Sun Grown Cubano Belicoso: OK.
Fresh 2007 Opus X: Meh, over priced, gimme a DPG 1979.
2004 Opus after four years: It was OK but given the price, I'd rather smoke Habanos Torres.
Aņejo Shark: Appreciated the generosity, it was OK.
Diamond Crown Maximus: OK, a little pricey for what I got.
Diamond Crown Robusto No. 4: Sucked.
Ashton VSG: OK.
Ashton Aged Maduro: Meh.
Prometheus God of Fire: Good but way too much.
webjunkie 11:11 PM 11-13-2008
I'm a bit of a fan of the Hemingway line, but I personally think that they benefit from a bit of rest and from not being overly humidified. It is entirely possible that if you got it at a B&M that it had been stored at a higher rh. Then again, I find most fuente cigars to be a bit bitter if they're stored closer to 70% so my taste buds could be nuts.
icehog3 11:15 PM 11-13-2008
I stop by my local B&M whenever I am in the area with an hour to spare. This is one of the few cigars I will buy and smoke there, I still enjoy them, but only smoke a couple a year. Too many other cigars are less expensive and more enjoyable to me for me to buy more than 1 Hemingway at a time.
Pat1075 11:28 PM 11-13-2008
I'm a fan of the line as well one of the few milder cigars I enjoy. Though I was disappointed by an 8-5-8 today.
Bax 04:05 AM 11-14-2008
Not a huge Hemmingway fan either, but I'm a huge fan of the VSG... at least for now.
tsolomon 06:27 AM 11-14-2008
I use to like them, but now they are just too mild and grassy tasting. It's still my wife's favorite cigar, so I buy a box when I see them on sale.
Dgar 07:17 AM 11-14-2008
I still enjoy an ocassional Hemingway, I used to smoke more of them, but now that the Short Story has gone as high as 5.50-to 6.00 dollars at some B/M's I choose not to buy them as much, too small a cigar for that kind of $$$.

If I can find the short stories under five bucks I still consider them, otherwise there not worth my money.

Not considering the price..... Hemingways are a good smoke in my opinion. But everyone has an opinion and everyone has there own taste... so smoke what you like.

I smoked a Best Seller not too long ago from a box I bought a couple years ago, it was a "Wow" cigar, it had really improved with just a little time.
Domer 08:29 AM 11-14-2008
I personally love the hemingway series. I have yet to have a bad one. I used to buy only short stories as that was all I could find, but all the standard sizes seem to be pretty available now at the b&m's I frequent besides the WOA.
BlackDog 05:48 PM 11-14-2008
Have you considered that perhaps the cigars are fine, and that your taste profile simply prefers other choices? I don't like tequila, but I'm not going to tell you that it sucks.
shilala 07:09 PM 11-14-2008
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
Have you considered that perhaps the cigars are fine, and that your taste profile simply prefers other choices? I don't like tequila, but I'm not going to tell you that it sucks.
Just ignore him, Warren. He eats Vietnamese and washes them down with Yerba Mate.
Ever taste Yerba Mate?
I rest my case.

I still love ya, Matt. :-)
ucla695 10:05 AM 11-15-2008
I've enjoyed the Hemingways that I've smoked. Sorry to hear that didn't go over that well.
MithShrike 10:20 AM 11-15-2008
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
Have you considered that perhaps the cigars are fine, and that your taste profile simply prefers other choices? I don't like tequila, but I'm not going to tell you that it sucks.
Oh sure. It sucks to me though. Since it's a matter of opinion, mine is what matters in this case. I'm fully aware that a lot of people enjoy cigars I dislike. I'm OK with it. I'm not saying everyone else should not smoke these cigars because I don't like 'em. I just think they suck. I'm OK with that and I'm OK with someone getting their panties in a twist over my opinion too. If I took the time to care about other people's hurt feelings that's all I'd do.
troutbreath 10:55 AM 11-15-2008
That's a shame. I really enjoy the Hemingway line. The Short Story is a nice diversion when time is short, and I like the consistency of the Classic and Signature offerings. The Cammy sweetness you describes is what I really like.

The Masterpiece has been sitting at JR calling my name. It's not a bad price for a box of monster cigars (9 x 52), but I have a hard time imagining smoking a stick that big. I have resisted its siren call so far (which is saying something if you know of my impusive buying habits).
Jimbo14 05:08 PM 02-06-2009
I had my first hemmingway the other week. I thought it was quite nice.
doctorcue 05:12 PM 02-06-2009
I too have found Hemingways to be blah. I don't really get much from them. Yet, I tend to like a fuller bodied & flavored cigar. It isn't for me so I use that cash on Pepins!
ChasDen 05:17 PM 02-06-2009
Originally Posted by MithShrike:
I have yet to smoke a Fuente I've really enjoyed.

Don Carlos: Meh.
Hemingway: Yech.
Sun Grown Cubano Belicoso: OK.
Fresh 2007 Opus X: Meh, over priced, gimme a DPG 1979.
2004 Opus after four years: It was OK but given the price, I'd rather smoke Habanos Torres.
Aņejo Shark: Appreciated the generosity, it was OK.
Diamond Crown Maximus: OK, a little pricey for what I got.
Diamond Crown Robusto No. 4: Sucked.
Ashton VSG: OK.
Ashton Aged Maduro: Meh.
Prometheus God of Fire: Good but way too much.
Wow there are a lot of good cigars on that list that you dislike or just find OK.

Me thinks it may be a psychological thing going on with their cigars.

Not to say your wrong, you know what you like, but wow.

Raralith 05:31 PM 02-06-2009
My first wow cigar when I started was the Hemmingwar Signature. It was also my first box purchase too. It was and still is the most complex NC cigar I've smoked so far, and I thought it was completely jaw-droppingly amazing. I haven't revisted it in a long time, and maybe my taste changed but I hope not.
troutbreath 05:34 PM 02-06-2009
I really enjoy the Hemingway line. Not sure which is my fav, but probably the Classic.
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