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General Discussion>Mutant Super Squirrels
kaisersozei 07:34 PM 12-31-2010
I keep bird seed in an old tub of protein mix. It's usually in my shed, but I had filled the feeder up this morning and put the tub on my front porch.

Came back from a trip to the store this afternoon and saw two squirrels fleeing my front porch. They looked guilty.

Here's what they did.


The lid had been securely fastened


Somehow they managed to get it unscrewed and were happily helping themselves to the seed inside.

Who needs opposable thumbs when you have razor sharp incisors and a rodent's cunning?! I better watch my back.
68TriShield 08:09 PM 12-31-2010
Mutant Super Fat Squirrels :-)
G G 08:20 PM 12-31-2010
Squirells are the matt helms of the animal world.
timj219 08:25 PM 12-31-2010
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
I better watch my back.
Damn right. After a meal like that they'll be looking for a good cigar!
kelmac07 09:30 PM 12-31-2010
Lock the doors and hide the woman and children. :-)
shilala 10:00 PM 12-31-2010
Evil tree rats.
Ogre 10:08 PM 12-31-2010
Evil Smart. Guess thats how they survive. Great scrounges!!!!
Knip23 11:05 PM 12-31-2010
I have a sugar glider here at the house for a pet name Spider-man. About the samme as a squril. There like ninjas its crazy.

Knip23 11:06 PM 12-31-2010
Sorry forgot what else I was going to say. You have to put a rubberband on things it confuses them.

CigarNut 11:14 PM 12-31-2010
Maybe a Capybera
CasaDooley 02:41 AM 01-01-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
Evil tree rats.
HK3- 08:21 AM 01-01-2011
Stew meat. :-):-)
joeobx 09:19 AM 01-01-2011
They have a sick sense of humor too
replicant_argent 09:25 AM 01-01-2011
Squirrel rodeo... All the rage.
massphatness 09:35 AM 01-01-2011
Smokin Gator 09:43 AM 01-01-2011
I freakin hate tree rats. I shot two this morning.
secretsquirrel 09:53 AM 01-01-2011
No relative of mine....:-)
Wolfgang 09:56 AM 01-01-2011
icehog3 11:28 AM 01-01-2011
Where is Boris Badanov when you need him?
BigFrank 11:46 AM 01-01-2011
Just dont leave any half used supplements laying around of they may chew into the fridge.
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