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All Cigar Discussion>where do cigars fall on your priority list?
cigarmonkel 03:20 PM 11-15-2010
Well obviously after bills... or at least for some of us :-). But do you have any other hobbies or activities that you place before cigars? I never thought i'd see the day where the majority of my extra spending money went to something other then cigars. Now instead of saving up for a box of this or that its saving up for car parts.

At least i've got a pretty decent stash so i can smoke while i attend the next autoX this summer :-). Might not come in first but i promise you i'll be the only one baller enough to be smoking a Tat SW reserva while taking hard corners, all i need is to make a classical music mix and find a way to drink my coffee through my helmet.
markem 03:23 PM 11-15-2010
cigars are not on my priority list. Cigars are "nice to haves" not "need to haves" so get no priority with me.
warren G. 03:29 PM 11-15-2010
I got a lot of interests. With that said, the money I spend on cigars doesn't compare to my other hobbies like wristwatch, fountain pens, and clothes. I don't own many of those stuff either. I'm still in the slow process of building up a quality collection. I'm still really young, so I'm looking forward to the long journey and I don't mind the wait.
loki 03:33 PM 11-15-2010
tied with guns and ammo somewhere below savings, rent, and food
Bill86 03:40 PM 11-15-2010
I like

As far as priorities, after bills and whatnot.
1. Beer (I try everything new I can get my hands on)
2. bourbon/rum (anything new I like to try as long as it's not TOO painfully expensive)
3. Cigars (I do what I can when I have the funds. But the boxes I'm wanting now are QUITE pricey)
4. Knives, I bought a Strider SMF and for me it's about as good as they get. Though someday I want a Microtech Halo III and a XM-18 or 24 Hinderer.

Even though I spend more $$$ on cigars then anything they aren't at the top of my list. Just so happens the first 2 I've pretty much done all the damage I can do.
14holestogie 03:41 PM 11-15-2010
Cigars are right up there for what commands the most of my budget on a monthly basis, but then again I have no mortgage, car payments or children left at home. :-)
mosesbotbol 03:58 PM 11-15-2010
Cigars are pretty high on my list, sometimes too high.
NCRadioMan 04:03 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by markem:
cigars are not on my priority list. Cigars are "nice to haves" not "need to haves" so get no priority with me.
Best answer, EVER!
Emjaysmash 04:28 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
Cigars are right up there for what commands the most of my budget on a monthly basis, but then again I have no mortgage, car payments or children left at home. :-)
I could come live with you, if you'd like! :-)
icehog3 04:29 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by markem:
cigars are not on my priority list. Cigars are "nice to haves" not "need to haves" so get no priority with me.
EricF 04:32 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Cigars are pretty high on my list, sometimes too high.
I have the same problem!!!
poker 04:32 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by markem:
cigars are not on my priority list. Cigars are "nice to haves" not "need to haves" so get no priority with me.
:-) ditto goes for me

I view cigars as a luxury in my life and not a necessity.
auburnfan1980 04:38 PM 11-15-2010
It is estimated that I smoke more than 1400 cigars per year. I'll let you guys decide where this is on my priority list. :-)
Ashcan Bill 05:04 PM 11-15-2010
I guess I'm at a good age where I don't find the need to spend a lot on hobbies any more. I'm past hot rodding cars, have more guns and ammo than I can use, have plenty of booze I don't even drink that often, don't really collect anything anymore, have too many bowling balls, and found that I can get most of my books at the library.

Cigars are my last real vice, and I don't mind diverting disposable income to them. So yeah, priority wise they're up there. :-)
area51 05:11 PM 11-15-2010
I budget out money each month for cigars if that is what you mean.
ChicagoWhiteSox 05:14 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by poker:
:-) ditto goes for me

I view cigars as a luxury in my life and not a necessity.
DBall 05:24 PM 11-15-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
Cigars are pretty high on my list, sometimes too high.
What Moses said.
Conch Republican 05:27 PM 11-15-2010

Then again, I don't do moderation well! :-)
Thammy 07:16 PM 11-15-2010
I have way too many hobbies to keep up with. But for Cigars I just budget a month of what I can spend on it. Sometimes the priority is too high for the "nice to haves" but I am a starving student after all so it is the same money troubles for everything!
s15driftking 07:19 PM 11-15-2010

1. golf
2. cigars
3. booze

They all kind-of go together, hehe
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