Curious as to which deals make people jump to hit the "do it" button and why. thanks!
Evonnida 01:34 AM 10-10-2010
I always hit on the Cains and MoW's when they are up. Tatuajes if I'm quick enough and Oliva Serie V if and when they ever show up.
smelvis 02:02 AM 10-10-2010
I've noticed or maybe I'm imagining things but the prices do not seem much like deals anymore. I am always looking for troop supplies and am having more luck shopping closeouts and clearance items.
I did buy a shitload of the P Solomons last night but that was mostly for me, I love those things.
Bill86 02:15 AM 10-10-2010
All those buy deals never appeal to me, I don't find half of them to even be deals so I don't bother wasting time with them. Even if they are deals it's usually BARELY and not enough to make me press the button.
neoflex 09:26 AM 10-10-2010
I agree with you guys. They are not really deals just lower quantity so when broken down seem cheaper but most of the time if you do the math you can hit their site and get a box for roughly the same per stick price. It's all marketing and it works so kudos to them. Even Cigar Monster has a tough time getting my business these days. I would rather go to Cigar Auctioneer or C-Bid, bid what I want to pay and see how it goes. Even with those sites people are their own worst enemy and are willing to pay full pop or even more just to win the pissing match.

bscottskangum 11:17 AM 10-10-2010
The Oliva MB3's show up at 27.50 for a five pack during some of the jams, hence how I have about 30 of these sticks stocked up
Patrick B 11:32 AM 10-10-2010
I always hit buy on the following for $40/10 (or less sometimes).
Tat reds
Pepin blue or black
Cain F
padilla miami
noella reservas (haha)
hammer26a 11:35 AM 10-10-2010
I always go for a Rocky Patel, Ghurka, CAO, or Torano sampler... love those brands
s15driftking 11:40 AM 10-10-2010
anything good for 2.50 a stick. also, the artisan cigars
forgop 01:16 PM 10-10-2010
Originally Posted by neoflex:
I agree with you guys. They are not really deals just lower quantity so when broken down seem cheaper but most of the time if you do the math you can hit their site and get a box for roughly the same per stick price. It's all marketing and it works so kudos to them. Even Cigar Monster has a tough time getting my business these days. I would rather go to Cigar Auctioneer or C-Bid, bid what I want to pay and see how it goes. Even with those sites people are their own worst enemy and are willing to pay full pop or even more just to win the pissing match.
If you haven't made your way to, I challenge you to see if you think you can beat those prices at the devil auction sites. A lot of people pay more for stuff there than what you can find when you shop around the lowest priced retailers online. takes it to an even lower level IMO and that way, you're not having someone bid against you.
forgop 01:17 PM 10-10-2010
Originally Posted by bscottskangum:
The Oliva MB3's show up at 27.50 for a five pack during some of the jams, hence how I have about 30 of these sticks stocked up :-)
Must resist....I thought I got a steal on robustos at $99/box-that is an even better deal. I have enough MB's to last me awhile though.
Bill86 01:20 PM 10-10-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
If you haven't made your way to, I challenge you to see if you think you can beat those prices at the devil auction sites. A lot of people pay more for stuff there than what you can find when you shop around the lowest priced retailers online. takes it to an even lower level IMO and that way, you're not having someone bid against you.
I went there and started toying around......maybe I clicked the wrong items but I had to bid up to 85% of their stated MSRP on there to get an accepted bid.
forgop 01:29 PM 10-10-2010
Originally Posted by Bill86:
I went there and started toying around......maybe I clicked the wrong items but I had to bid up to 85% of their stated MSRP on there to get an accepted bid.
It all depends on what you're after I guess. In my case, I picked up a box of My Father's at 60% of the listed MSRP. There are some brands that you'll find a much lower margin between their cost and MSRP, thus you'll find some brands to be much better deals than others. I searched all of the lowest priced online shops for a box of My Father robustos and I still managed to get it for $25/box less than anywhere else online. In some 5ers I priced, I may have gotten closer to that 80-85% price point, but they were still better prices than I found elsewhere for the most part. I did find a couple minimums that were higher than some retailers, but I would like to think they could match them.
I know in pricing what I've traditionally smoked as far as NC's go (mostly Oliva), nobody out there was within 10% of their prices when you find what the minimum accepted price.
Bill86 01:31 PM 10-10-2010
Yeah that's the reason the my fathers are sold out. It seems all of their good deals are sold out.
hscmit 04:41 PM 10-10-2010
I have used with some success finding good deals
dwoodward 05:59 PM 10-10-2010
I never see anything worth the time on JoeCigar tbh. I have ordered a couple things, but they were impulse buys, and within a week I saw a better deal elsewhere. I don't really buy anything on there anymore.
Starscream 06:24 PM 10-10-2010
Originally Posted by dwoodward:
I never see anything worth the time on JoeCigar tbh. I have ordered a couple things, but they were impulse buys, and within a week I saw a better deal elsewhere. I don't really buy anything on there anymore.
I don't even look at Joe's daily deals anymore.
bobarian 07:06 PM 10-10-2010
Originally Posted by InPa:
Curious as to which deals make people jump to hit the "do it" button and why. thanks!
Nice review.
How about stopping by the new inmate thread and giving us an introduction?
maninblack 07:24 PM 10-10-2010
I usually jump on the cain's, dpg's, mow's. Just bought some Cain nubs today.
Ratters 07:54 PM 10-10-2010
I don't go there much anymore but I usually jump on DPG Blacks, Padilla 1932s and the Dominus, and 601 Reds whenever they would show up. All are sticks I feel are well worth 4 bucks a stick or less. Cutting down on my shopping so don't go there much anymore.