ucla695 04:04 PM 10-06-2010
Finally, the iPhone is coming to Verizon! I hope I'm glad I waited.

Read about it
here and
Has anyone else been waiting for this?
Samsquanch 04:26 PM 10-06-2010
I'll believe it when I see it. I've been following these kinds of reports for years...
pektel 04:27 PM 10-06-2010
Darrell 04:28 PM 10-06-2010
I have been waiting and assume I will get one when they are available.... Best thing is, my contract is up....
AD720 04:34 PM 10-06-2010
I hate to be a bubble buster but this is far from any kind of official announcement.
I read about 3 articles a week that say this exact thing and have been for years. WSJ is one of the biggest culprits. Pure speculation at this point. I’ll believe it when it is officially announced by Apple and Verizon, and even then, with a grain of salt. Remember when Google officially said the Nexus One would be coming to Verizon? And then 6 months later said forget it, just buy an Incredible…
Personally I don't really care. It would make my wife happy and that would make me happy but I'm sticking with my Droid.
Blueface 05:05 PM 10-06-2010
What difference does it make that it will eventually come to Verizon?
After all, iPhones suck!!!
(disclaimer for those that don't know: I am joking....I am an iPhone fan and love mine)
marge796 05:06 PM 10-06-2010
I read the same articles. It has to be true if its on the net, right?

xlc12rf 05:44 PM 10-06-2010
A few months ago i wouldn't have cared. I just picked up an iPad, and now would LOVE an iPhone for Verizon.
stewshi 06:19 PM 10-06-2010
Sucks to be a verizon customer as this will affect our network for sure
Blueface 06:54 PM 10-06-2010
Originally Posted by stewshi:
Sucks to be a verizon customer as this will affect our network for sure
No one wants iPhones.
They suck!!!
Originally Posted by pektel:
I have an iphone. nanananabooboo... :-)
and i can make calls.....

Stick 08:14 PM 10-06-2010
bscottskangum 08:33 PM 10-06-2010
Until Verizon or Apple announce it I wouldn't hold my breath. If Verizon actually comes up with an agreement with Apple they will post that news everywhere. They know what that announcement, by itself, would do to the price of their stock and in turn the money in their pocket. They aren't going to keep that news secret....I have been wrong before though.
elderboy02 08:59 PM 10-06-2010
I'll stick to the Droid. I don't have to buy "bumpers" to keep my phone from losing reception.
Blueface 09:06 PM 10-06-2010
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
I'll stick to the Droid. I don't have to buy "bumpers" to keep my phone from losing reception.
Odds are you won't have to use one.
Here is an article that addresses the problem to be amongst 5%.
That means you have 95% odds of being like me, having a great working phone, with no reception problems, unlike what the rest of the world wants to believe.
IPhone four Some love it, others hate it. Already has had a first big affair. And as this product is perceived by its owners?
Changewave Research Society conducted a survey of satisfaction among customers.Interviewed were several hundred, and all of them are iPhone owners 4th The question was thus perhaps at all – as you are happy with him? 72% of owners responded that the iPhone 4 satisfied, 21% reported relative satisfaction and only six percent of respondents are dissatisfied.
Ostensibly they are a high number, compared to predecessors iPhone 3GS what a loss position. In his case it was 82% of owners of very satisfied and 17% relatively satisfied.Dissatisfied and remained at a mere percentage.
Interesting was also the question of the respondents, whether experienced problems with the antenna. Of those surveyed reported is 5.2%, which on one hand is not huge quantities, but the fact that communication problems or having everyone twentieth, not the best card for Apple.
jmsremax 09:09 PM 10-06-2010
bvilchez 09:20 PM 10-06-2010
Originally Posted by stewshi:
Sucks to be a verizon customer as this will affect our network for sure
I'm 50/50 on this one. Verizon has a pretty stable network so I assume they might have learned from other carrier's mistakes and prepared for the time when the Iphone does come to them.
On the other hand I know many people will probably switch on over to Verizon because of their dependability and because they have the Iphone. All those users are sure to bog down the network.
Now as far as the Iphone on Verizon, I'm personally will not believe it until I see it. WAY too many rumors out there for it.
Even then I'll wait since it'll be the first IPhone on Verizon and I'll just wait until they get the bugs worked out of it.
Really it won't matter to me. I currently carry two phones everyday: an iPhone for work and a Storm 2 for personal use.
Personally I like my Storm 2 more than the iPhone. Not that the iPhone sucks, I just don't like certain things about the way it works. Such as - my bluetooth headset. If I accidentally answer the phone by touching the iPhone then I have to select speaker, bluetooth, etc. The Storm automatically goes to the headset where it's suppose to.
And accessing items on the phone. On the Storm 2 I just connect it to my computer or laptop and use the file manager to add music, videos, documents, pictures, etc. With the iPhone I have to use the iTunes - enough said.
I don't play games or run a thousand silly apps. Actually the only app on iPhone that I'd like to have on the Storm 2 is "Around Me" - that one I like.
Although the web browser is slightly faster on the iPhone - the Storm 2 is easier to navigate with in my opinion.
So - iPhone coming to Verizon is of no concern to me.
As a side note I did read today that Verizon has started building their 4G network finally.
xlc12rf 06:11 AM 10-07-2010
Very interesting comparisons. I have a storm 2, but im about ready to jump ship. Especially since iOS4 allows for syncing of more than 1 exchange account. That means push email on all my accounts, what BB always had a leg up on.