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General Discussion>10 Nov 1775
taltos 12:20 PM 11-08-2008
Hopefully the moderators will allow this thread in General Discussion instead of Troops Room because it feel that this topic affects more than just troops, it affects all American citizens.

On 10 November 1775 the Continental Congress authorized the recruiting of two battalions of Marines. The recruiting station was Tun Tavern in Philadelphia underthe command of Captain Samuel Nicholas. Their first mission involved 245 Marines under the command of Captain Nicholas sailed from Philadelphia. After the Revolutionary War, the Marines were in a holding pattern until 11 July 1998 when they were re-established as a military force and an official branch of the US military serving under the US Navy. Since that date, the Marine Corps has served in every conflict involving the USA. If you read the first verse of the Marine Corps Hymn, it explains our history up to the Civil War. That war split the Marine Corps since the Officer Corps was primarily loyal to the Union and a good number of the enlisted were loyal to the Confederacy. Eventually esprie d' corps reunited the Marine Corps and have left us in the proud situaton that we are now inhabiting. Outside of our good friends and allies in the Coast Guard we are the smallest branch of the US Armed Forces but per capita the Marines had the most severe losses in combat in the twentieth century.
America, we have always been there for you and we are proud of that fact. Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps on the occasion of their 233rd Birthday protecting this nation and going where nobody with good sense woud dare to go. I salute all Marines past, present and future with a special salute to those serving today on active duty and I thank all Marines in the past who established this heritage. I am proud to have been and am a Marine. Semper Fi to all and God bless this great nation. Paul
Rockestone 12:23 PM 11-08-2008
Thanks for the post. Semper Fi.
dannyboy 01:17 PM 11-08-2008
Thanks for the info, and thank you for serving:-)
floydp 01:23 PM 11-08-2008
Semper FI
Mugen910 01:58 PM 11-08-2008
Semper Fi brothers!!!
Posted via Mobile Device
ahc4353 01:59 PM 11-08-2008
I share deer camp with three Marines. The time we are in camp includes the Marines birthday. Each year we raise a glass at dinner on that day and one of the Marines says a toast to all Marines that came before and after him. It's a solemn moment that means a lot to every man at that table.

Unfortunately for the last two years I have not been able to attend deer camp and raise my glass with those men.

Monday, The Marine Corps Birthday, I will raise a glass and burn a cigar in honor of all Marines past and present. I can at least be with my Marine friends in spirit if not actually at that table.

Thank you all for your service.

Great post Paul, thank you.
gnukfu 02:23 PM 11-08-2008
Great post Paul! Thanks to all the Marines for their service to our country.

I was never in the military but I work with quite a few who were. One in particular is a guy I lean on to get things done. He was a Marine in Vietnam. He's around 62 or so, hard as nails, still sports the Marine haircut, and gets the job done every day, which includes making sure the guys that work for him get their job done every day....he also parties like an animal! And I know two other Marines I hold in high regard and have smoked a couple of cigars Paul and Bao. Thanks to both of you, and all the other Marines on CA for your service. :-)
shilala 03:39 PM 11-08-2008
Thanks for watching my ass, Paul.
More importantly, thanks for laying your ass on the line for my kids.
Thank God for the Armed Forces now more than ever. Someone's gotta make men out of all these fatherless children, elsewise we'll be marching into battle wearing sequins and boas in no time.
Glory lasts forever, my friend. :-)
Ron1YY 06:08 PM 11-08-2008
To all of the Leathernecks of the past, thank you for giving us our proud heritage, For watching my back and bleeding with me :-)

To all of the present DevilDogs, Thank you for keeping my family and friends safe, and keeping our way of life intact :-)

To all the future Marines that will go to/are in SDMCRC or go to PIMCRC, you will learn our heritage, and will uphold the future of our beloved Marine Corp :-)

Semper Fi, My Brothers :-)

theycallmedan'lboone 06:36 PM 11-08-2008
From the halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From the dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And have never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marine

Semper Fidelis brothers.
G G 07:02 PM 11-08-2008
Thanks to all Marines past and present for so valiantly defending our freedoms.:-)
spectrrr 11:03 PM 11-08-2008
To all marines that have served and are serving, thank you from the bottom of my heart :-):-)
bvilchez 03:31 AM 11-09-2008
This thread makes my hair stand on end and makes my eyes water.

Semper Fidelis to all!!!!!
Ragin Cajun 04:56 AM 11-09-2008
Happy Birthday Marines:-)

Seven years ago I enlisted in the Corps. Some may think it was because of 9-11, others may not. As for my parents, they now that ever since I was a little kid I wanted to be a U.S. Marine, it was only a matter of time. Today I serve not because the job that we're doing or the job that my brothers have done before me, but because of the job that I don't want to do in the future. My fellow Marines of the past, Thank You for all that you've done. To the ones that serve today: Thank You for all that you're still doing; it is because of you Marines that I wake up everyday loving my job and having fun doing it. It is because of all the Marines that I continue to re-enlist as a keeper of traditions and history and to train my Marines so that they can then train their Marines.

Happy Birthday Marines and Semper Fidelis:-)
sofaman 06:47 AM 11-09-2008
Nov 10 has allways been a special day for me, On Monday I am going to smoke one in Honor of the my Brothers who have served before and after me. Semper Fi
TheTraveler 07:33 AM 11-09-2008
Semper Fi, Devil Dogs!

I'm proud to have served four years in the Corps. I give a heartfelt thanks to all who have served or are serving now. To you future hard-chargers I wish you the best and hope you keep us proud.

Happy Birthday Marines! :-)
TripleF 07:42 AM 11-09-2008
I consider myself fortunate to be reading this post and to be associated with such great individuals on this board.

Much Respect! :-)
RocketMike 04:27 PM 11-09-2008
Happy birthday, Marines!! May there be another 233 years!
Ron1YY 05:33 AM 11-10-2008
An official Happy Birthday to the Marine Corps!!!!!

Interestingly, I found on Wiki a list of Famous and Important people that were Marines. Take a look and see how many you recognize and never know were Marines

replicant_argent 06:36 AM 11-10-2008
Happy Birthday, USMC!
Thank you, past, present, and future Marines for serving our country. :-)
Unqualified salutes to you all.

On a lighter note, Ron, and most especially, TOM, you will note on Rons list of Marines that

Bea Arthur was a United States Marine!!!

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