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General Discussion>inexpensive Laptop?
kenstogie 01:00 PM 09-20-2010
So my current budget laptop no longer works (bad display) It served me well for 6 years. So it's time for a new one. Not looking for a cutting edge but the under $500 range.

Where are the best places to buy a lower end laptop?
Anything to not buy?

(Netbooks are a good option for some but to small for me)
Ahbroody 01:04 PM 09-20-2010
Checkout microcenter. They are in your area and have a few large sub 500 laptops you can play with.
pektel 01:10 PM 09-20-2010
Funny, I'm in the market right now too. No computer at home, and think it's time for me to get with the times. I really only use the computer to go on the internet though. And upload/modify photos. I was actually looking at the laptops at walmart, and quickly walked away when I realized I was computer shopping at Walmart.

I can't offer any advice, just looking forward to what others recommend. I really wanted to get a macbook pro, but that's just out of my range.
kenstogie 01:14 PM 09-20-2010
Originally Posted by pektel:
I really wanted to get a macbook pro, but that's just out of my range.
Me too.
VirtualSmitty 01:16 PM 09-20-2010
Something like this perhaps?

mosesbotbol 01:24 PM 09-20-2010
The weekly circular for the local tech store should server you best. You want to try them out first. Mouse and screen will vary brand to brand and is hard to quantify without seeing in person.
CasaDooley 01:30 PM 09-20-2010
I know others will chime in with more recommendations, but I have had good luck with Dell Products (3 home PC's and 2 laptops). You can find some pretty good deals on them for under $500. Just my :-)
pektel 01:48 PM 09-20-2010
Originally Posted by mosesbotbol:
The weekly circular for the local tech store should server you best. You want to try them out first. Mouse and screen will vary brand to brand and is hard to quantify without seeing in person.
I have no local tech store. I live in a town of 8000 people. The tech store here is either Target or Walmart.
holli4pirating 01:54 PM 09-20-2010
I have always liked Dell laptops. Mine lasted me about 6 years before either the backlight or the power inverter died. Other than that, I never had a problem with it.

I would buy myself a cheap laptop, because I miss having mine, but I really can't justify it. It's only purpose would be to surf the net while sitting outside having a cigar or in the recliner...
Mugen910 02:11 PM 09-20-2010

For $600 you can go total opposite and get a power laptop.

8RHKHGLKT8BZ38 for $50 off
cricky101 03:35 PM 09-20-2010
That Lenovo from New Egg looks like a great deal. I've been looking to upgrade from my bulky, old HP laptop and may have to pick that one up!
Smoking Dragon 03:41 PM 09-20-2010
I have been partial to toshiba computers lately. But I did have good lick with a gateway that I purchased at one of those traveling computer shows.
Salvelinus 03:50 PM 09-20-2010
Just got a gateway for under $500 at our local Bestbuy. Had a big bulky hp that I hated and needed something that I could cart to school and back.

It's this one, but the price is different online. Link

I also looked at essentially the same computer with a bigger screen and less hard drive space that was cheaper, just wanted to smaller screen really. No complaints thus far.
Ratters 07:28 PM 09-20-2010
Originally Posted by holli4pirating:

I would buy myself a cheap laptop, because I miss having mine, but I really can't justify it. It's only purpose would be to surf the net while sitting outside having a cigar or in the recliner...
What more justification do you need? :-)

I have a Gateway that I got for cheap from Best Buy. I'd do it again.
Eleven 07:41 PM 09-20-2010
The last 3 I have bought were all from Best Buy and all under $350. Me likey.
kenstogie 12:32 PM 09-24-2010
First I'd like to say thanks for everyone's help and opinions. Second I thought I'd let y'all know what I did end up getting.

Samsung R580

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Processor Speed 2.27 GHz
Processor Name Intel Core i5-430M
Graphics Card nVidia GeForce 310M
HD 500 GB
Networking Options 802.11n,b,g
Primary Optical Drive DVD+/-RW DL with Blu-Ray
HDMI out
SD/MMC card slot
4x USB2

I wasn't really in love with the color scheme but what do I care? It's not like I am all that vane so.

What was the cost you may ask? Well typically you can get these for $750 or thereabouts but I bought a Refurb for $569, which is a fair amount of computer power for that coin.
CRIMPS 11:46 AM 09-28-2010
Refurb deals for computers/hardware (ipod's) make a LOT of sense.
Bill86 12:02 PM 09-28-2010
Go to or newegg and start peeking around, usually can find some great deals there.
dwoodward 02:09 PM 09-28-2010
Awesome deal on that laptop. Glad you got one that works out for you. That i5 will knock your socks off. My girlfriends laptop has an i7 and it is extremely powerful, the i5 is 2nd best, a great chip.
amlique 04:16 PM 09-28-2010 is always the go to place for eletronics online. They have incredible coustomer service, super fast ship times, and always the most competitive prices. Plus most reviews are from tech junkies, so you can't go wrong.
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