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General Discussion>A Little Misbehaving
BlackDog 04:39 PM 08-07-2010
I've been away on business for a few days, got a Dodge Avenger rental car. When I was done on business I met my family at my In-laws. My 14 y/o son and I went for a drive on some country roads. First time I've topped 100mph in a very long time, probably 20+ years. My son thought it was pretty cool, but it scared me. :-)
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DPD6030 11:30 PM 08-07-2010
100 mph scares me to Warren. Even driving at work I rarely go above 70.
Negncic 11:59 PM 08-07-2010
Sorry to be a buzz kill, but coming from someone who has pulled more than my fair share of mangled bodies out of wrecks, your actions was more than a little misbehaving. Driving 100mph with an impressionable 14 year was irresponsible at best. Just my :-)
MedicCook 12:15 AM 08-08-2010
My car can barely go over 70 mph. :-)
Negncic 12:18 AM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
My car can barely go over 70 mph. :-)

How fast would it stop if it hit a tree?
MedicCook 12:31 AM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by Negncic:
How fast would it stop if it hit a tree?
Depends on the size of the tree.
JaKaacH 12:36 AM 08-08-2010
I've been in more danger on the road from people who think they are in a phone booth than people who think they are in a race car.

Agree though the youngster being in the car was not good.
icehog3 01:02 AM 08-08-2010
Warren, may I see your license please?

:-) :-)
macsauce13 01:07 AM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Warren, may I see your license please?

:-) :-)
Uh oh! 5-0 5-0!!

(for the less informed
icehog3 01:08 AM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by macsauce13:
Uh oh! 5-0 5-0!!

(for the less informed
:-):-) :-)
Don Fernando 05:02 AM 08-08-2010

this is what I did in a mini van last year.

And this is what happened in Georgia


but I hardly ever speed though. I used to, untill I had to pay up to €400 in fines one day, that thought me to stick to the speed limit.
BlackDog 08:33 AM 08-08-2010
Negncic is wise. I won't be doing that again any time soon.
Savvy 10:16 AM 08-08-2010
Don Fernando forgot he wasn't cruising the Autobahn in Europe haha.

In Germany, we have laws prohibiting talking on cell phones while driving, but as you all know, the speed limits on the autobahn (when there is one) is about 80mph. Driving 100-150mph is certainly not unheard of over here. I've been passed plenty of times going about 115mph. I don't necessarily think the speed is the biggest culprit in wrecks, I think it's more people trying to multitask (i.e. talking on cell phones). Although, I will mention driving that fast consistently takes a bit of getting used to.
GKitty 03:18 PM 08-08-2010
I may be in the minority here, but good for you!!! When I was younger, my dad and I would go for drives like the one you described. Sitting in the passenger seat with him, I learned to respect my car's limitations (tread traction, sway through corners, road conditions, etc). I'm grateful for that experience because I know it's saved me on a couple different occassions from pushing the envelope too hard.

This is his current favorite girl:

I get to take her out from time to time and we've had a lot of fun with me always mindful of the risk and danger that comes with stretching her legs.
Don Fernando 03:54 PM 08-08-2010
I must say that I never speeded on busy roads, I only speed when the road is empty and never when the road was wet or slippery. I rather see people speed on empty roads than drink & drive, which is a big no-go for me.
shark 04:18 PM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:

And this is what happened in Georgia


but I hardly ever speed though. I used to, untill I had to pay up to €400 in fines one day, that thought me to stick to the speed limit.

Female cop, eh? She must have liked your foreign accent. ;-)
shark 04:23 PM 08-08-2010
Worst speeding situation I was ever in was in NC. Got tagged for doing 75 in a 55 on a 4 lane highway with a grass median. It was in Union County. Was placed under arrest for reckless, taken to the courthouse, where I presented my AAA member card,which the magistrate accepted in lieu of an arrest bond (it was $500). I still had a mandatory court appearance, which I had a lawyer appear on my behalf and had the violation reduced.
icehog3 04:27 PM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by shark:
Worst speeding situation I was ever in was in NC. Got tagged for doing 75 in a 55 on a 4 lane highway with a grass median. It was in Union County. Was placed under arrest for reckless, taken to the courthouse, where I presented my AAA member card,which the magistrate accepted in lieu of an arrest bond (it was $500). I still had a mandatory court appearance, which I had a lawyer appear on my behalf and had the violation reduced.
20 over and they charged you with reckless? That is pretty ridiculous on their part, Ron.
darkleeroy 04:37 PM 08-08-2010
One time I did 45 in a 25, the funny thing is, that the copped pulled me over next to a 35 mph sign.
Don Fernando 05:31 PM 08-08-2010
Originally Posted by shark:
Female cop, eh? She must have liked your foreign accent. ;-)
she gave me a lecture that the roads in Georgia weren't like our 'autobahn', but I am Dutch and the autobahn is German. Didn't want to be a wise-ass, so I didn't try to educate her :-)
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