I made this for you cause I got tired of looking at that
avatar of yours that looks like it got taken out of JAWS's
stomach. hope this is not too forward, lol.
jonumberone 11:44 AM 07-22-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
looks like it got taken out of JAWS's
I'm not gonna stand here and watch that Kitner boy spill out all over the dock.
:-) Nice job Brad.
IBQTEE1 11:58 AM 07-22-2010
Wow, I get a whole thread about my avatar. I actually designed it to look that way. I like it. Doesn't everyone??
Darrell 11:59 AM 07-22-2010
Originally Posted by IBQTEE1:
Wow, I get a whole thread about my avatar. I actually designed it to look that way. I like it. Doesn't everyone??
I thought there might be an outside chance of that.....
GKitty 12:56 PM 07-22-2010
I like the rusticated version, but think that Chicagoland version is pretty sharp too.
mariogolbee 12:59 PM 07-22-2010
The more I see of Brad's posts, the more I like his style. Keep it up Brad!
Ahbroody 01:01 PM 07-22-2010
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Brad has a crush. :-)
Pours salt all over the mans game.
IBQTEE1 02:06 PM 07-22-2010
OK, I found the pic where I made my avatar from.
mariogolbee 02:13 PM 07-22-2010
Hey Kristin, you do B QTEE!
Originally Posted by IBQTEE1:
OK, I found the pic where I made my avatar from.
I have to admit, you deserve that plate.
Jbailey 09:46 PM 07-22-2010
Chingas 09:56 PM 07-22-2010
I had no idea what this was all about...and then laughter kicked in. The new to old is hilarious! 1 vote for neither! Use the pic of you holding it. Thats better than both! Nothing against Brad, it is fine work my brother!
sobranie10 10:20 PM 07-22-2010
I am indeed blushing now. But I thought it was a picture cropped from her driveway,
when she was talking about her boyfriend's car and hers, parked next to each other
with their matching plates. had I known you were holding it, not only would I have
demanded the full version
:-) but would have definitely voted for the full shot as an
avatar and proof of what the L.P. says.
But now that pandora has opened the box, I'll bet she wishes she hadn't. You now have
the instant IB QTEE 1 fan club, inaugural meeting. President Brad presiding, lol.
I speak for all the chompers when I say THANK YOU.
And I heartily agree. The avatar is fine.
I offer this as a token of my apology
Chingas 09:30 AM 07-23-2010
You done good brother. You just fell victim of an incomplete story. Recon next time brother. You still did a banging job and now we all know what IB QTEE looks like holding her avatar!