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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Coolidors
mukky 03:21 PM 06-25-2010
I have done some searching here on threads about coolidors, but I am still slightly confused. I would like to start buyin some boxes, but cant at the moment bc of only havin a desktop humi, so I considered a coolidor. However, from what I have been reading, it seems just way to simple. Buy cooler, buy beads, and then fill with cigars? Is it really that easy, or do I need anything else, like to line it with spanish cedar or anything? Also, once I make this coolidor, I wont be fillin it to the brim with boxes of cigars right away, so there will be a good amount of empty space at first. I will only be buyin a box here or a box there, so is this goin to be a problem? Also, what do you guys do with singles and fivers in the coolidor?

bobarian 03:32 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by mukky:
I have done some searching here on threads about coolidors, but I am still slightly confused. I would like to start buyin some boxes, but cant at the moment bc of only havin a desktop humi, so I considered a coolidor. However, from what I have been reading, it seems just way to simple. Buy cooler, buy beads, and then fill with cigars? Is it really that easy, or do I need anything else, like to line it with spanish cedar or anything? Also, once I make this coolidor, I wont be fillin it to the brim with boxes of cigars right away, so there will be a good amount of empty space at first. I will only be buyin a box here or a box there, so is this goin to be a problem? Also, what do you guys do with singles and fivers in the coolidor?

That's the program. You can pick up empty boxes from your local shop for singles storage. Also, empty boxes will fill the extra space and help stabilize the Rh but they are not necessary. It will just take a bit longer for the Rh to stabilize without empty boxes.
stewshi 03:36 PM 06-25-2010
Most boxes have spansih cedar in them so if your keeping them in those then you will be fine. Spanish cedar is an aid for keeping humidity but if you buy beads then you should be fine in this area as well as long as there is a tight seal in the cooler.

You can go to a local B&M and get some empty boxes usually for free and keep singles in there. Or you can buy some trays to keep those in.

Most work goes with getting the smell out of the cooler and keeping it at the right humidity and proper place to store. No need to fill the whole thing butthats just wasted space :-)

Edit: looks like i just type slow
icehog3 03:36 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by bobarian:
That's the program. You can pick up empty boxes from your local shop for singles storage. Also, empty boxes will fill the extra space and help stabilize the Rh but they are not necessary. It will just take a bit longer for the Rh to stabilize without empty boxes.'s that simple. :-)
NCRadioMan 03:36 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by mukky:
However, from what I have been reading, it seems just way to simple. Buy cooler, buy beads, and then fill with cigars? Is it really that easy.........
Yep, it's that easy. Be sure to wash the cooler out first to get out the plastic smell. I have never had any rh problems with a partially full cooler.
mukky 03:41 PM 06-25-2010
Thanks for the quick responses guys. Any particular brand of coolers you guys recommend?
NCRadioMan 03:42 PM 06-25-2010
Coleman Xtreme, igloo & rubbermaid all work great.
tsolomon 03:43 PM 06-25-2010
It really is that easy. You can buy cedar trays for singles, or as other have suggested get empty boxes from your local B&M. I was given a bunch of the cedar inserts out of old boxes from another BOTL and I keep them in my cooler. I use an open tuperware container for singles when I run out of space in my destop humidors. :-)
mukky 04:18 PM 06-25-2010
thanks guys. appreciate all the info
captain53 04:48 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by tsolomon:
It really is that easy. You can buy cedar trays for singles, or as other have suggested get empty boxes from your local B&M. I was given a bunch of the cedar inserts out of old boxes from another BOTL and I keep them in my cooler. I use an open tuperware container for singles when I run out of space in my destop humidors. :-)
:-) And don't forget some Shilala Beads available here in the Nut House.:-)
The Poet 04:54 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by mukky:
Any particular brand of coolers you guys recommend?
Some people prefer a model that has slots molded inside, which makes it easier to "build" shelves of cedar by simply sliding properly cut pieces into said slots. Some people get the ones with wheels, which make it easier to take to herfs and whatnot . . . and always insure that, at this herf, you have enough cigars to smoke and share, enough space to pack your "bombs", and, most importantly, always have some place to sit. :-)
mukky 05:06 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by captain53:
:-) And don't forget some Shilala Beads available here in the Nut House.:-)
Thats what I have been tryin to make a decision on also. I have been using heartfelt beads for about a year in my desktop, and they have performed quite well. However I notice alot of people on here rave about the Shilala beads, thus I have been tryin to determine if it is worth the extra money for the Shilala beads or just stick with heartfelt. Thoughts?
mukky 05:07 PM 06-25-2010
Oh and I have also been wondering if you guys add anything to the lip of the cooler for a better seal, or do these coolers seem to do just fine by themselves?
Morgue 05:11 PM 06-25-2010
Some people use some foam weather seal strips, but most of the coolers I have used seal rather well and didn't need it.
bobarian 05:35 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by Morgue:
Some people use some foam weather seal strips, but most of the coolers I have used seal rather well and didn't need it.
If a cooler has that bad a seal it should be returned. Testing a cooler is just like testing a humidor. Drop the lid and you should hear the air "whoosh" out from the edges. It should not slam down. Or if you suspect a leak, use a flashlight for a light test. Painters tape can be use to fill the gap, but no cooler should ever need weather strip to seal. :-)
captain53 06:18 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by mukky:
Thats what I have been tryin to make a decision on also. I have been using heartfelt beads for about a year in my desktop, and they have performed quite well. However I notice alot of people on here rave about the Shilala beads, thus I have been tryin to determine if it is worth the extra money for the Shilala beads or just stick with heartfelt. Thoughts?
Heartfelt are good beads and good people for sure. Shilala beads seem to take a bit less maintenance and the bagging is very nice. Can't go wrong with either one.:-)
688sonarmen 06:20 PM 06-25-2010
It is easy! Ive been using mine for 5 years now and every time I look into buying a large humidor I think of all the cigars I could buy:-) Have fun shopping and remember to get a big one you will fill all that empty space fast!
mukky 07:01 PM 06-25-2010
Originally Posted by 688sonarmen:
It is easy! Ive been using mine for 5 years now and every time I look into buying a large humidor I think of all the cigars I could buy:-) Have fun shopping and remember to get a big one you will fill all that empty space fast!
Thats what I have been thinkin. I have been usin my desktop for about a year, and I have come to the conclusion that this is something I enjoy very much and want to move further with it. That means more cigars and I want to start buyin boxes. I kept thinkin about a cabinet, but then I think about all the money that could go towards the cigars themselves by goin with a coolidor. I'm a 22 year old electrical engineer and live in an apartment by myself. I have no one I need to impress with a cabinet. Coolidor will be just fine.
longknocker 07:18 PM 06-25-2010
I Have 3 Cooolers & Have Had For 3 years. They Work Great With 1 Of Shilala's Largest Bag Of Beads In Each One; Much Steadier RH Than Any Of My 4 Desktops!:-)
MikeyRocks 12:59 AM 06-29-2010
I got one of these from Walmart to store my singles & 5 packs (only cost about $6). It takes up a bit of room, but helps keep everything organized in my coolidor. Buy boxes if you can, and like others have said, check with a local B&M, usually they're more than willing to give you old boxes. I like to take the tops off mine and let the air circulate.

(Humidity is a little high, but it was a pretty hot and humid day here today)
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