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General Discussion>It's motorcycle weather
markem 07:24 PM 05-09-2010

or this, from where I live

'nuff said :-)
Volt 08:04 PM 05-09-2010
Great videos. Only weather that isn't motorcycle weather is the ice.
Resipsa 08:08 PM 05-09-2010
Love it.

I saw one pull up to the gym one morning a couple of years back here in the dead of winter while it was snowing out. Thought the guy was nuts, :-)
G G 08:38 PM 05-09-2010
I was able to ride up to Lincolnton, Georgia for a weekend Gospel sing with my wife, dad, mom, and brother for the weekend. I rode the bike and they all rode in a car. Took five hours up and about four back. It was great. Could smell all the blooms and clean air.
Ratters 09:34 PM 05-09-2010
I ride year round, but am looking forward to the nice weather. Especially with my first trackday of the year coming up in two weeks.:-)
Volt 07:19 AM 05-10-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
I was able to ride up to Lincolnton, Georgia for a weekend Gospel sing with my wife, dad, mom, and brother for the weekend. I rode the bike and they all rode in a car. Took five hours up and about four back. It was great. Could smell all the blooms and clean air.

Right now the honeysuckle is popping all over VA. I love it when I am zipping past some woods, etc and it hits the nose. On the other hand, aint nothing quite like passing by a recent skunk road kill either. Praying you miss it with the bike.
nomadicwookie 08:49 AM 05-10-2010
You rounders are hard core. I've got a buddie that would pull up on the bike in Feb. frozen solid. It ain't for me, but more power too ya. It sure has been nice riding lately though. Thanks for the vids. Johnny Cash & motorcycles... Good times!
leasingthisspace 09:02 AM 05-10-2010
I ride year round here. I think the only time I don't ride is in the snow.
Volt 09:09 AM 05-10-2010
Originally Posted by nomadicwookie:
You rounders are hard core. I've got a buddie that would pull up on the bike in Feb. frozen solid. It ain't for me, but more power too ya. It sure has been nice riding lately though. Thanks for the vids. Johnny Cash & motorcycles... Good times!
I could quit riding just because its cold or raining but then I'd have to get a shrink and I hate Drs. My motorcycle is my sanity check. Besides I'll be a lot colder the day they put me in the ground. Ride while ya can.
nomadicwookie 11:18 AM 05-10-2010
I hear ya brother. There really isn't anything else like it.
Cigary 03:04 PM 05-10-2010
Nothing like taking a long ride on a sunny day and can smell all of the good smells of nature,,,fresh cut grass, honeysuckle, etc. Be careful out there and ride defensively all the time.
Goldie 03:17 PM 05-10-2010
I really like the second one. I have been digging bikes with sidecars lately.
Roland of Gilead 08:44 PM 05-10-2010
I really, really need another bike...

Volusianator 10:00 PM 05-10-2010
Originally Posted by Volt:
Only weather that isn't motorcycle weather is the ice.
Yep, which in WI gives us about 3 good solid months to ride.

Ride on brothers, ride on!
Volt 05:13 AM 05-11-2010
A man after my own heart. If you aint draggin floorboards - your not ridding hard. :-) Nice looking scoot.
Volusianator 06:27 AM 05-11-2010
Originally Posted by Volt:
A man after my own heart. If you aint draggin floorboards - your not ridding hard. :-) Nice looking scoot.
:-) I've scrapped my highway bars on that road!
Volt 08:47 AM 05-11-2010
Originally Posted by Volusianator:
:-) I've scrapped my highway bars on that road!
On my Roadstar I scrapped so much my Brothers hated riding with me. They always thought I was going down. Now days I can't go to far over as the pipes grind. They cost to much to be scraping. But nothing like throwing sparks up at night and checking out the chicken strip on the tires. I hate the trunk but it has to stay on until I fix the damaged left saddle bag.

HK3- 06:04 PM 05-12-2010
One bike for sale and tomorrow I'm heading out to look at a new one! :-)

It's going to be tough sleeping tonight.....
Volusianator 10:24 PM 05-12-2010
Originally Posted by HK3-:
One bike for sale and tomorrow I'm heading out to look at a new one! :-)

It's going to be tough sleeping tonight.....
Let the fun begin!
Volt 04:50 AM 05-13-2010
Originally Posted by HK3-:
One bike for sale and tomorrow I'm heading out to look at a new one! :-)

It's going to be tough sleeping tonight.....

With your access to teh Smokies - absolutly the most beautiful country in the USA. The roads are just tons of fun to ride as well. I may have to ride down and visit with ya.
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