icehog3 11:38 PM 04-28-2010
I salute you on your 34th B-Day, Dokk! Hope that it is full of good smokes, good friends, good booze and maybe even "the gift"! You're a great friend, and you deserve all the good things that come your way!
I look forward to a belated celebration with you later this summer!
:-) :-)
MedicCook 11:39 PM 04-28-2010
Jbailey 11:39 PM 04-28-2010
pnoon 11:41 PM 04-28-2010
Many happy returns, Darrel.
Tom summed it up pretty well.
CasaDooley 12:10 AM 04-29-2010
bobarian 12:11 AM 04-29-2010
Happy Darrel! Hope you make it out to SoCalXI!
stevefrench 04:53 AM 04-29-2010
longknocker 05:07 AM 04-29-2010
34??? Still Have A Way To Go To Catch Up With This Old Fart!
:-) Have A Great One, My Friend!
DonWeb 05:15 AM 04-29-2010
68TriShield 05:47 AM 04-29-2010
elderboy02 05:58 AM 04-29-2010
Happy Birthday Buddy! Smoke one of those '99 ERdM's you gave me!
massphatness 06:21 AM 04-29-2010
Happy birthday!
Posted via Mobile Device
kelmac07 06:55 AM 04-29-2010
Blueface 07:05 AM 04-29-2010
The Professor 07:45 AM 04-29-2010
Wait just one damned second ... I ain't 34.
:-) I'm only 33 today.
Thanks for the kind wishes, Admiral and all.
Time to brew some coffee and think about a smoke lineup for the day.
croatan 07:51 AM 04-29-2010
GreekGodX 07:54 AM 04-29-2010
Happy Birthday, Dokk!!! Hope it's a great one!
:-) :-)
PeteSB75 08:02 AM 04-29-2010
Happy Birthday Dokk! Go get a new PR today, just to prove how old you're not
:-) :-) And smoke something good too
The Professor 08:10 AM 04-29-2010
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Happy Birthday Dokk! Go get a new PR today, just to prove how old you're not :-) :-) And smoke something good too :-)
I would if I wasn't still injured and on a lifting embargo.