Mayor 11:21 AM 03-23-2010
Not sure if this should go in the General Discussion or here? It's kind of an accessory.
I made this recently from some boxes. Glued the boxes together and got the wiring and shade from lowes. I was going to give it away but I think I can make some better ones. It lights the "bar" in the garage. Come on over for a smoke and a cold one.
Looks nice, I have enough boxes now to make one of these, that might be my next project.
Eagle53 11:28 AM 03-23-2010
That looks pretty badass but I could see some room for improvement. Maybe a different shade or doing a stronger contrast in size by using small and large boxes together. You could also put some boxes vertically.
J0eybb 11:31 AM 03-23-2010
homerjay19 12:19 PM 03-23-2010
That is pretty cool looking. Nice job!
bookman 12:26 PM 03-23-2010
Awesome idea!!! I just put my crayons in my old boxes.
CigarNut 12:51 PM 03-23-2010
That's cool! It's even something that *I* could make. Unfortnately, I have gotten rid of nearly all my cigar boxes... (most went to a good cause: kindergarten and first grade classes for craft work)
tuxpuff 12:57 PM 03-23-2010
jaydub13 01:02 PM 03-23-2010
mariogolbee 01:17 PM 03-23-2010
MarioF 01:17 PM 03-23-2010
Looks great, I would also like to see some more pictures of the table covered in cigar bands.
Parshooter 01:38 PM 03-23-2010
Nice job. I've been thinking about this for years, doing a floor lamp though. Maybe I'll just make a set of bedroom furniture instead.
tx_tuff 02:03 PM 03-23-2010
Never thought about that before, a great idea I may just have to look into. Maybe my Tat Drac box vertically at the top.
jmsremax 02:54 PM 03-23-2010
bvilchez 03:09 PM 03-23-2010
Posted via Mobile Device
captain53 06:13 PM 03-23-2010
Mpython24 06:20 PM 03-23-2010
Razorhog 06:25 PM 03-23-2010
Nice! Looks like a fun project.
kelmac07 07:38 PM 03-23-2010