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All Cigar Discussion>Turbos???
rhmalone 09:55 AM 03-18-2010
What do you all do with your empty trubos?
Scottw 09:56 AM 03-18-2010
You mean Tubos? I throw them out or use them to conceal certain things during road trips.
Emjaysmash 09:58 AM 03-18-2010
Sometimes I used them as impromptu carrying cases for single cigars, for protection.

Otherwise I'll bring em to my Chem Lab just in case I need some more test tubes... :-)
colinb913 10:02 AM 03-18-2010
I just use them to store other singles if I am taking them to the golf course, or on a trip, that way I know they wont get busted up. And I didn't have to pay for a herf-a-dor.
Emjaysmash 10:07 AM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
I just use them to store other singles if I am taking them to the golf course, or on a trip, that way I know they wont get busted up. And I didn't have to pay for a herf-a-dor.
I thought this too, until I started going to herfs with 15+ sticks. Carrying that many tubos is a PITA.
weak_link 10:27 AM 03-18-2010
I like to play jokes on other BABOTL's and give them Creamosa's in Davidoff tubos. J/K, they mostly just sit in a box collecting dust. I can't quite bring myself to throw them all away.
T.G 10:31 AM 03-18-2010
I sell my empty Turbos to tweakers so they can do stupid **** like this:

weak_link 10:33 AM 03-18-2010
What's the supposed to be? Art?
T.G 10:39 AM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by weak_link:
What's the supposed to be? Art?
From the looks of it, no. I would guess that some tweaker probably thought they could improve the performance of a turbocharger by welding extentions to every other vane.
dannysguitar 10:43 AM 03-18-2010
My car has a turbo... :-D

jkim05 10:46 AM 03-18-2010
I thought this thread was gonna be about cars...
slickster81 11:14 AM 03-18-2010
Now I know how this forum got its name......:-)
rhmalone 12:27 PM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by Scottw:
You mean Tubos? I throw them out or use them to conceal certain things during road trips.
yes! "Tubos" I never was any good at spelling :-)
Ferrari5180 01:37 PM 03-18-2010
I usually keep my Tubos so that I can store single cigars when I go fishing or other places that might involve some damage to cigar that is not protected. Other then that, I like to look at and cherish them.
mosesbotbol 01:40 PM 03-18-2010
If it's a tubo that has a non-tubo version, I may refill it or I toss them. Some churchill tubos I may save and put a smaller cigar in for travel.
icehog3 02:07 PM 03-18-2010
I throw them in the trash.
Darrell 02:09 PM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I throw them in the trash.
bscottskangum 02:11 PM 03-18-2010
Couldn't you use tubos to smuggle some cuban cigars prison style?
icehog3 02:21 PM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by bscottskangum:
Couldn't you use tubos to smuggle some cuban cigars prison style?
Let us know how that works out for you. :-)
rhmalone 02:28 PM 03-18-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Let us know how that works out for you. :-)
Yeah, and NO pics when you do!!!
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