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All Cigar Discussion>Anyone else find it odd . . .
Noomis 01:25 PM 03-08-2010
. . . that this forum is called "Island (the other ones) Reviews" even though none of the major non-Cuban tobacco-producing countries (D.R., Honduras, Nicaragua) are islands?
Blindjimme 01:32 PM 03-08-2010
md4958 01:43 PM 03-08-2010
me neither.
Mugen910 01:45 PM 03-08-2010
darkninja67 01:48 PM 03-08-2010
Last I checked the DR was part of an island. The others not so much
OHRD 01:52 PM 03-08-2010
Never took the time to think about it.
Razorhog 02:05 PM 03-08-2010
Actually yes, I have thought that. It doesn't make sense. When I first started coming to cigar asylum, I was not sure if the reviews were cuban or not.
poker 02:12 PM 03-08-2010

close enough :-)
hotreds 02:13 PM 03-08-2010
St. Lou Stu 02:15 PM 03-08-2010
They're all Islands. Even the US.
'cept for the land locked ones. :-)
papichulo 02:16 PM 03-08-2010
Honduras and Nic are not islands. I lived in Hondo for over a year; however, it does have beaches and good diving.
Subvet642 02:18 PM 03-08-2010
Scottw 02:18 PM 03-08-2010
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands..........................................n ow they are simply referred to as "The Islands".
bobarian 02:18 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by papichulo:
Honduras and Nic are not islands. I lived in Hondo for over a year; however, it does have beaches and good diving.
That's practically an island! :-) After all "There can be only One" :-)
68TriShield 02:21 PM 03-08-2010
This is a asylum you know.
icehog3 02:35 PM 03-08-2010
I'm moving this to "All Cigar Discussion", as it is not a review.
massphatness 02:37 PM 03-08-2010
I am an island unto myself
landhoney 02:38 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I'm moving this to "All Cigar Discussion", as it is not a review.
A review of your policies/decisions..............................:-):-)
OHRD 02:39 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by Scottw:
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands..........................................n ow they are simply referred to as "The Islands".
Ahhhh, that was refreshing on this Monday afternoon that is dragging like a dead dog's leg!
ucla695 02:45 PM 03-08-2010
Haven't really thought about it.
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