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General Discussion>Twitter
neoflex 08:30 PM 02-20-2010
Been fighting off using Facebook but got sucked into Twitter recently. Anyone here using Twitter? If so whats your username? Mines jpartlowjr
icehog3 08:32 PM 02-20-2010
I refuse to use Twitter.

Posted on Twitter at 8:33PM CST
jsnake 08:38 PM 02-20-2010
I am jakrell on Twitter. Lots of great BOTL & SOTL on Twitter.
Mr.Erskine 08:59 PM 02-20-2010
I'm bferskine on Twitter... Although, my Twitter updates are my Facebook updates.. Hene several of my updates seem to be incomplete
pnoon 09:22 PM 02-20-2010
Ya can't spell Twitter without twit. :-)
ucla695 09:41 PM 02-20-2010
Not of fan of tweeting...just can't wrap my head around it, but more power to those who do.
MajorCaptSilly 09:51 PM 02-20-2010

Col. Kurtz 09:59 PM 02-20-2010
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:

MajorCaptSilly 10:08 PM 02-20-2010
Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz:
Thank you.

Col. Kurtz 10:10 PM 02-20-2010
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
Thank you.

Emjaysmash 10:11 PM 02-20-2010
Mine is Emjaysmash, but I don't tend to use it much as I have better ways to get attention.
RUNYYFan 10:21 PM 02-20-2010
For anyone interested, RUNYYFan.

And for those on Twitter, be aware of a phishing attack via direct messages.
saggel 05:20 AM 02-21-2010
I do tweet! Please go ahead and add me
acruce 10:37 AM 02-21-2010
ProBe 11:06 AM 02-21-2010
Mine is nyb3017
GreekGodX 11:16 AM 02-21-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I refuse to use Twitter.

Posted on Twitter at 8:33PM CST

I'm GreekGodX on Twitter if anyone wants to add me :-)
Beagleone 10:39 AM 02-22-2010
icehog3 05:34 PM 02-23-2010
Originally Posted by :
LOS ANGELES—Twitter's founder says the Dalai Lama laughed at the thought of using the social networking service. But the Tibetan spiritual leader now has an official Twitter site—and more than 68,000 followers.
Twitter founder Evan Williams posted a message Sunday that he'd just met the Dalai Lama in Los Angeles and pitched using Twitter.

On Monday, a Twitter page set up by the Dalai Lama's office in India carried its first message. It mentioned that the Dalai Lama had been in L.A. and gave a Web site link for details.

Six other Tweets since then provide links to interviews, photos and webcasts.

So far, the Dalai Lama hasn't posted any personal messages.
:-) :-)
dannysguitar 06:25 PM 02-23-2010
dannysguitar I follow a few of you now :-)
replicant_argent 06:40 PM 02-23-2010
Does not, and will not. Facebook is creepy enough. I have no reason to inform people of minutiae. PBO twitters. Spastic 20-somethings twitter. Other people twitter. I have no interest in their twits, really.
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