Namerifrats 10:38 PM 02-07-2010
I Actually went two weeks without getting anything after racking up in December. Just won a box of Rock Patel Vintage 1990 Robustos for $64. Those usually go for $135 per box on CI's site!
Kreth 10:42 PM 02-07-2010
Nice score! A Vintage 90 was one of my first cigars, and it's still one of my favorites from Rocky.
Posted via Mobile Device
issues 10:43 PM 02-07-2010
Nice pickup and an excellent smoke!
I still think the 1990 is my favorite RP...
I had one not too long ago that I had resting for a couple of years and it was outstanding!!!
Razorhog 10:53 PM 02-07-2010
Nice score! I've had a couple 1990s and really enjoyed them.
Namerifrats 06:17 AM 02-08-2010
The wife will probably kill me.... After the damage in December, I told her I would stay away from CBid for a while. I still like to play around and "Window Shop". Placing a few ridiculously low was I to know I would actually win these at that price. On a plus side...this is my first box purchase in the 2 1/2 years I've been smoking!
ChasDen 06:19 AM 02-08-2010
No need to upset the wife
Change the shipping address to mine, I will hold them for a while and send you a 5er every now and then. She will never know the difference!
There are 10 in a box right?
Originally Posted by Namerifrats:
The wife will probably kill me.... After the damage in December, I told her I would stay away from CBid for a while. I still like to play around and "Window Shop". Placing a few ridiculously low was I to know I would actually win these at that price. On a plus side...this is my first box purchase in the 2 1/2 years I've been smoking!
I've had a few months where I spent a little more than I wanted too. Like you, I placed soem stupid low bids and won. Let's face it they aren't in the business of selling cigars for a loss. I know web sites and B&M's have some overhead but damn the price difference! I only wish cbid carried a few other lines that I like.
Kreth 07:18 AM 02-08-2010
I usually get stuck when I place 2 or 3 lowball bids, thinking *maybe* I'll win 1. Then I win them all.
Posted via Mobile Device
Namerifrats 03:42 PM 02-08-2010
Originally Posted by Kreth:
I usually get stuck when I place 2 or 3 lowball bids, thinking *maybe* I'll win 1. Then I win them all. :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
That's my problem!
My wife is all about getting some good deal in stores. She' all excited when she shows me an outfit she bought "This was originally $350, I paid $55 for it!!!!" If I could only get her to understand this is the same thing for me! "But honey, they are like $140, I paid less than $70 with shipping!!"
maninblack 05:24 PM 02-08-2010
Like Isaid before, to hell with credit cards, buy em all!
Cigary 06:14 PM 02-08-2010
That's the nice thing about CBID,,,be patient and at some point you will win what you want. My problem is that I end up winning too much and had to change my end point shipping address.
Ferrari5180 06:35 PM 02-08-2010
Once you buy/win once, you want to win all the time. I keep buying cigars every day. At this rate I am going to have a million cigars and zero cash. Think about the present, and do not worry about the future buddy. Enjoy your smokes and congrats.
rlmedic 06:39 PM 02-08-2010
Today I joined and it was the worst mistake of my life...saw all these great cigars that I want/need and I bid on 10 lots.....all fairly low ball and now that I look back I am winning all but one!! Hoping I will be outbid on at least a few before 845....come on guys make some bids!!!
Whever the 2 guys were that took boxes of Alec Bradley Terra Nova's for $85 got sweet deals tonight(closed 1 minute ago)...
rlmedic 09:10 PM 02-08-2010
That was one of my 8 winning lots as of 1010pm.....Cbid is dangerous!
Namerifrats 10:30 PM 02-08-2010
Won a box of 5 Padilla Habano Artisano while ago too go along with the RP. That was it for my winning bids. Gonna leave it as is. Already got $90 of cigars coming first of the week now.
rizzle 03:01 PM 02-09-2010
gnukfu 03:21 PM 02-09-2010
Nice! Look at how much you saved! Now you have enough money to bid on some other smokes!
maninblack 04:25 PM 02-09-2010
I've only been using cbid for two weeks and have already spent $300. Its like Christmas everyday!
Razorhog 09:46 PM 02-11-2010
I get to the point where I get bigtime relief from those "Your bid is too low!" emails...
It really is an addiction.