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General Discussion>Snowy Arizona
smokin5 09:26 AM 01-21-2010
For those who think AZ is just a nice warm desert,
take a gander at this morning's weather.
These pics were taken about an hour ago @ 7:15 a.m. -
6" already, & still coming down hard & heavy.

Front of the house:

Back deck:

Down the street:

I think I'll smoke breakfast inside.:-)
Knip23 09:32 AM 01-21-2010
For global warming, its pretty funny how everywhere its Hot as satans balls it snows. last time i was in Iraq it snowed fort the first time in 80 YRS! So much for global warming huh
Sauer Grapes 09:34 AM 01-21-2010
Originally Posted by Knip23:
For global warming, its pretty funny how everywhere its Hot as satans balls it snows. last time i was in Iraq it snowed fort the first time in 80 YRS! So much for global warming huh
Don't forget, they decided to start calling it climate change so they can blame us anytime the weather changes. :-)
smokin5 09:38 AM 01-21-2010
Nah, unlike the hot & dusty lowlands, it snows every year here.
I'm a mile high, baby!

The forecast for the next 2 days is snow, rain, repeat when necessary.
Up above in Flagstaff, AZ, they're bracing for up to 4 feet of snow.
T.G 09:41 AM 01-21-2010
Yeah, but what is the elevation where these photos were shot?

Originally Posted by :
7:-)6 AM #1
Feeling at Home

Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: On the Mountaintop - AZ
Overnight freezing tempratures in deserts are nothing new either.
T.G 09:42 AM 01-21-2010
Originally Posted by smokin5:
Nah, unlike the hot & dusty lowlands, it snows every year here.
I'm a mile high, baby!
Ignore my previous post above. Looks like you answered the question while I was still composing & posting it.
smokin5 09:59 AM 01-21-2010
No problem.
I didn't post this to initiate a pseudo-political pseudo-science debate, I did it to rearrange a lot of people's preconceptions & misconceptions about Arizona.
Not all of the state is represented by the Phoenix/Tucson topography or climate. Not the GOOD parts of the state, anyway.:-)
T.G 10:04 AM 01-21-2010
Originally Posted by smokin5:
No problem.
I didn't post this to initiate a pseudo-political pseudo-science debate, I did it to rearrange a lot of people's preconceptions & misconceptions about Arizona.
Not all of the state is represented by the Phoenix/Tucson topography or climate. Not the GOOD parts of the state, anyway.:-)
No worries. I was asking because I've lived at high elevations in desert areas and had basically exactly the same experiences and not being familiar with the AZ mountain ranges, I was curious what altitude you were at.
kugie 10:27 AM 01-21-2010
Being from MA. I thought AZ was hot all over until I was sent down there for a project my Co. was doing in the pheonix area. And one of the contacts on the job is an avid hunter. He said he can go 4 hours north and end up in waste deep snow while hunting.
Just My :-)
galaga 10:32 AM 01-21-2010
Geez, you haven't had 6" in a while.....

FYI, we're sending more bad weather your way.
MedicCook 10:34 AM 01-21-2010
It is nice to see the rest of the country get some snow.
G G 10:37 AM 01-21-2010
I'm telling you, this global warming is killin us.:-)
JaKaacH 11:15 AM 01-21-2010
I thought ShowLow would be a good place to move to when I retire but I bet it gets wintery there. I think the elevation there is 7,000.

I hope some of that snow and rain makes into the Las Vegas, Grand Canyon area. I think Lake Mead is about 110 ft below normal pool.

Thanks for sharing the pictures
gettysburgfreak 12:38 PM 01-21-2010
When we drove through Arizona on Monday on our way back to New Mexico from Las Vegas we hit some snow in Flagstaff. I was surprised to say the least, even more so than seeing snow in New Mexico.
smokin5 01:15 PM 01-21-2010
Originally Posted by galaga:
Geez, you haven't had 6" in a while.....
Nope, not since you snuck up behind me twice in the same evening...:-):-)
galaga 02:22 PM 01-21-2010
Originally Posted by smokin5:
Nope, not since you snuck up behind me twice in the same evening...:-):-)

Hey, :-)
smokin5 11:50 AM 01-22-2010
Well, Snowy AZ became Lake AZ.
Haven't been online since yesterday afternoon because the entire lower level of my house flooded.
All that snow turned into one of the worst rainstorms we've had in close to 20 years. Still mopping up & thinking about a lot of carpeting/tile replacement.
This morning we're back to snow, however, with about 4" & rising. Supposed to continue thru Noon Saturday.

On the bright side, I shouldn't have to worry about my cigars drying up.:-) That, & my dear mate (the Queen B*tch) said it's OK to continue smoking indoors until the storm ends.
Eleven 12:07 PM 01-22-2010
"The planet has a fever"

/end Al Gore impersonation

dccraft 02:18 PM 01-22-2010
Man you guys are just getting plastered down there. Sorry to hear about the lower level, hope you can save some things. It sure looks nice in your photos though.
shvictor 07:00 PM 01-22-2010
Originally Posted by JaKaacH:
I thought ShowLow would be a good place to move to when I retire but I bet it gets wintery there. I think the elevation there is 7,000.

I hope some of that snow and rain makes into the Las Vegas, Grand Canyon area. I think Lake Mead is about 110 ft below normal pool.

Thanks for sharing the pictures
My Grandparents live in Showlow. they love it
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