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Entertainment>Law Abiding Citizen
floydpink 10:30 AM 12-15-2009
I wasn't one, and watched a pirated copy of the movie and it was the best movie I have seen in a while.

If you like Dexter, you gotta see this movie. It is awesome.
RightAJ 10:32 AM 12-15-2009
I thought it was good... kind rediculous in some parts though.

floydpink 10:33 AM 12-15-2009
Originally Posted by RightAJ:
I thought it was good... kind rediculous in some parts though.

It was kinda far fetched at times. The guy who burned me a copy tried to tell me it was based off a true story.:-)
Starscream 11:46 AM 12-15-2009
I liked most of it. The ending was a little flaky to me. It was kind of like the end of Huck Finn (everything just magicaly fell into place at the end). I've seen a lot of movies of late that have been good, but the endings have either ruined the film or lessened my enjoyment of the overall product.
icehog3 11:47 AM 12-15-2009
Waiting for cable on this one, I haven't heard much good until now.
floydpink 12:30 PM 12-15-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Waiting for cable on this one, I haven't heard much good until now.
I could always send you a copy if you are impatient......

It's a vigilante against the system type of movie.
LooseCard 12:43 PM 12-15-2009
My wife's co-worker found a copy that fell off a truck recently.

She let my wife borrow it overnight, and I just burned a copy. The biggest flaw is the low-grade production of these editions....

We expect to see it soon. Glad to hear it was worth seeing.
ucubed 12:46 PM 12-15-2009
I thought it was a little too predictable =(
Darrell 12:47 PM 12-15-2009
This was a good movie.
icehog3 03:57 PM 12-15-2009
Originally Posted by floydpink:
I could always send you a copy if you are impatient......

It's a vigilante against the system type of movie.
Thank you for the offer, Pete. :-) I am so bnacked up on things to watch now that it will likely be on cable before I could get to it anyway.
Emjaysmash 03:59 PM 12-15-2009
I thought it was a good movie as well.
floydpink 04:55 PM 12-15-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Thank you for the offer, Pete. :-) I am so bnacked up on things to watch now that it will likely be on cable before I could get to it anyway.
I understand. My copy has Russian subtitles so that would really be bad mixed with painkillers.:-)
icehog3 06:36 PM 12-15-2009
Originally Posted by floydpink:
I understand. My copy has Russian subtitles so that would really be bad mixed with painkillers.:-)
Vicodin and Russian subtitles would be bad, though Stoli might help my brain "translate" the rest. :-)
kelmac07 10:14 PM 12-15-2009
I enjoyed it!!
icehog3 11:57 PM 03-28-2010
Finally saw this tonight. I will agree with several that is was at times predictable, and at time far fetched. That being said, I watch a movie like this for entertainment rather than factual relevance, and it held my interest right up to the predictable ending. A definite B-.
J0eybb 12:44 AM 03-29-2010
I saw it in the movies. It was good. I am hoping the DVD has alternate endings.
jonharky 05:37 AM 03-29-2010
i thought it was a great movie i really enjoyed it
kenstogie 07:30 AM 03-29-2010
Saw it was good but like someone said it had to much of a "magical" ending. Still a good flick though.
OLS 09:55 AM 03-29-2010
Originally Posted by floydpink:
I wasn't one, watched a pirated copy of the movie.
That's OK Pete. It isn't like you ignore government rules in other areas of your daily.....oh wait.
themoneycollector 10:32 AM 03-29-2010
I thought this movie was great, it kept me entertained from beginning to end. I'll admit it was far-fetched, but I thought it was still a great movie.

I too would have liked a different ending.
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