View Poll Results: Is Dan a communist?
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Jokes>Is Dan (elderboy02) a communist?
chippewastud79 02:25 PM 11-17-2009
***Jokes Thread***
At the recent herf in N. Kentucky/Cincinnati area it came to many inmates attention that Dan may be a communist. Please take time to decide.
Dan does not like ranch or bleu cheese dressing. Most Americans would consider both to be some of the most universal condiments (particularly ranch) on the planet. Instead he prefers ketchup, not just for fries, but also on fish (doesn't like tartar sauce either), salads and pretty much everything else.
Dan doesn't like one of the most quintessential American snack foods either. Chicken wings, NO. He says they are no good. Also not a fan of pickles, rare steaks or bacon.
He prefers Coke (red) over Pepsi (red, white and blue).
Oh, and lest we forget he prefers his Blue Moon and Budweiser Golden Wheat with orange wedges over purely tasty brews without fruit.
Most of his favorite things are the popular color of communism: ketchup, Coca-Cola, Ohio State, Cincinnati Bearcats, Cincinnati Reds....
Infact, Dan's favorite cigars come from none other than communist Cuba.
So I ask you, is Dan a communist?
***Jokes Thread***
Mugen910 02:27 PM 11-17-2009
what kind of person doesn't like wings..rare steak..or bacon? wierdo!
Scottw 02:36 PM 11-17-2009
DoctorBJ 02:38 PM 11-17-2009
wings, bacon and rare steaks? now I'm hungry for dinner. I see all 3 in my future.
e-man67 02:40 PM 11-17-2009
Dan is my bro but yes he is a commie....Red told me Dan has a tattoo of a hammer and sickle on his butt...he even snapped this photo.
Darrell 02:44 PM 11-17-2009
You damn dirty commie, Dan!!!!!!!
kelmac07 02:44 PM 11-17-2009
Not a fan of ranch/blue cheese dressing or chicken wings (too much work for that small sliver of meat)...LOL!! You go Dan!!
Darrell 02:47 PM 11-17-2009
elderboy02 02:55 PM 11-17-2009
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Not a fan of ranch/blue cheese dressing or chicken wings (too much work for that small sliver of meat)...LOL!! You go Dan!! :-)
Thank you sir! I like to eat my food, not play with it
GKitty 03:35 PM 11-17-2009
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Not a fan of ranch/blue cheese dressing or chicken wings (too much work for that small sliver of meat)...LOL!! You go Dan!! :-)
It appears we have another commie in our midst.
Chicken wings with ranch or blue cheese (preferrably a delicatly balanced combination of the two) is an American staple. And yet, I feel like I could maybe forgive your distaste for them.
Against Rare Steaks, Bacon, and Pickles?!?!?! (not necessarily in that order) That doesn't just make you a commie in my book, it makes you inhuman!!
Oh well, more for me.
GreekGodX 03:41 PM 11-17-2009
Now how do you explain the southern accent?
GKitty 03:42 PM 11-17-2009
Originally Posted by GreekGodX:
Now how do you explain the southern accent? :-)
Communist Assimilation Training Camp... DUH!!!
md4958 03:47 PM 11-17-2009
I knew there was something not fishy about Dan!
he was handing these out at Shack!
Mugen910 04:03 PM 11-17-2009
Originally Posted by GKitty:
Communist Assimilation Training Camp... DUH!!! :-)
:-) that is funny chit!
ChicagoWhiteSox 04:04 PM 11-17-2009
Dan, I thought you were a good guy.....
DBall 04:24 PM 11-17-2009
2 people said no... how did Dan get to vote twice?
bobarian 04:29 PM 11-17-2009
I always thought Dan was a cool guy, but your logic is impeccable.
Damn commie infiltrator!
Jbailey 04:36 PM 11-17-2009
kelmac07 05:01 PM 11-17-2009
Originally Posted by GKitty:
Against Rare Steaks, Bacon, and Pickles?!?!?! (not necessarily in that order) That doesn't just make you a commie in my book, it makes you inhuman!!
Oh no Crystal...I
LOVE me some rare steak, bacon and pickles!! Just not ranch/blue cheese or chicken wings.
GKitty 05:27 PM 11-17-2009
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Oh no Crystal...I LOVE me some rare steak, bacon and pickles!! Just not ranch/blue cheese or chicken wings. :-)
Then you may stay, my commie friend. However, I think Dan's issues run deeper than his political affiliations.