Fishbeadtwo 07:57 PM 11-16-2009
There are plenty of herfs that happen regularly, but do you consider yourself part of a "crew" If you do, let us know your allegiance and location. Heck, there may be some locals wanting to meet up and smoke! Around this neck of the woods (greater Seattle) we have a couple but the most active is the Mossbacks. We meet most Tuesdays nights in Fife at Smokey Joes cigar lounge. Come visit us and have a smoke! So, what crew you hang out with?
We'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
massphatness 08:26 PM 11-16-2009
itsme_timd 08:27 PM 11-16-2009
I hang with the C4 Crew in Cobb County, GA!
\/\/\/\/ If you're in the area come join us.
hotreds 08:28 PM 11-16-2009
markem 08:30 PM 11-16-2009
I hang with the crew of the Minnow. Helps to explain why I get lost on 3-hour tours.
ade06 08:32 PM 11-16-2009
1) those who are in "crews" do you all have hand signs and 2) what happens if someone from another "crew" rolls thru your hood?
DPD6030 08:34 PM 11-16-2009
Define part of a crew
Black Ops Crew...check (once in a while)
CCHC Crew...check (once a year, would love to make it permanently)
SW Michigan Crew...definitely
itsme_timd 08:37 PM 11-16-2009
Originally Posted by ade06:
1) those who are in "crews" do you all have hand signs and 2) what happens if someone from another "crew" rolls thru your hood? :-)
1) Yes... definitely.
2) We'll rumble if we have to, but normally we just bump chests for a while and say "You want some of this?!?!"
Whipper Snapper 08:40 PM 11-16-2009
I live with two other forum members under the same roof.
Does that count as a crew?
Sauer Grapes 08:43 PM 11-16-2009
I'm a mercenary. I don't have a group but I'll join in a battle when I feel compelled.
nozero 08:45 PM 11-16-2009
Kreth 09:00 PM 11-16-2009
We're not cool enough to have a crew in upstate NY. Hence, my custom user title...
Posted via Mobile Device
dunng 09:00 PM 11-16-2009
physiognomy 09:16 PM 11-16-2009
s15driftking 10:28 PM 11-16-2009
Fishbeadtwo 10:30 PM 11-16-2009
Fishbeadtwo 10:32 PM 11-16-2009
Originally Posted by s15driftking:
gurkha crew
Ya know Bobby, I'm pretty sure there is a 12 step program for that crew......j/k, I always say "smoke what you got or like"........
MedicCook 10:35 PM 11-16-2009
I think it is time for the Upstate NYers to form something.
elderboy02 10:35 PM 11-16-2009