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General Discussion>Herniated Disc?
ChicagoWhiteSox 01:09 PM 11-08-2009
Anyone ever have a herniated disc? I have had this lower back pain for atleast a month and a half, and I think it might be a herniated disc. The pain isn't anything that I can't handle, but it is getting old. Does anyone have any stretches/exercises that you do to help with a HD?
icehog3 02:01 PM 11-08-2009
Problem is you can aggravate a disc if that is the problem, Nate. A stretch that might work for one person's situation might make another's worse. I would recommend seeing a doctor. In the meantime, some OTC anti-inflammatories (I prefer Aleve) and some rest is the best medicine.
NCRadioMan 02:12 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Problem is you can aggravate a disc if that is the problem, Nate. A stretch that might work for one person's situation might make another's worse. I would recommend seeing a doctor. In the meantime, some OTC anti-inflammatories (I prefer Aleve) and some rest is the best medicine.
:-) I had four herniated disks a few years back and tried to stretch and one ended up breaking apart and causing all kinds of havoc and a nice 7 hour surgery. Get your arse to a doctor, bro!
Tenor CS 02:15 PM 11-08-2009
I'm going through something similar. You'll probably wind up getting Xrays, an MRI, and then seeing an orthopedic back specialist who may or may not recommend surgery.
Coach Deg 02:23 PM 11-08-2009
I have been living with three herniated disc's for about 8yrs. I have good days and bad days. The guys are right you have to find your own exercises and streches. When they are really bothering me, I lay on the floor hamstrings up against couch knees bent 90degrees and calves on couch. I sit there for about half hour. Use Ice and alieve. The less I weigh the less it tends to bother me. Staying active also keeps mine feeling better. But like the guys said see a Doctor. A friend of mine is an Ortho and I get an MRI every 2yrs to make sure not getting worse.
longknocker 02:26 PM 11-08-2009
Like Everyone Above Said, Go To The Doctor; I Would Recommend A Neurosurgeon. Doesn't mean You Need Surgery, But You Need A Diagnosis. I Have 2 herniated discs that gradually have improved 100% Over The Last 5 Years without surgery. You Need To Be Checked, Though, Brother!:-)
Blueface 02:29 PM 11-08-2009
I have two herniated in the lower back.
Have had them for nearly 20 years.
One you have it, enjoy it for life.
Therapy helps.
Leg/back strengthening helps.
Drugs help.
Epidural blocks help.
Surgery is the last resort.
If truly a herniated disc, you will have radiculopathy (pain shooting down the leg) which is an impingement on the nerve.
Not fun.
If Moltrin doesn't help, see a doctor as you may need an MRI to identify if a herniated disc.
ChicagoWhiteSox 02:58 PM 11-08-2009
I plan to see a doctor before starting an exercise program/stretches. The pain isn't off the charts yet, so I will give it another week or two, rest my back, use a heating pad, and hopefully the pain will go away. I think some of the problem may have to do with my weightlifting over the summer. I hit the weights really hard over the summer, and since late August, haven't touched them. I felt great during the summer, but ever since Ive been off the weights, my lower back has been acting up.
ChicagoWhiteSox 03:02 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by longknocker:
Like Everyone Above Said, Go To The Doctor; I Would Recommend A Neurosurgeon. Doesn't mean You Need Surgery, But You Need A Diagnosis. I Have 2 herniated discs that gradually have improved 100% Over The Last 5 Years without surgery. You Need To Be Checked, Though, Brother!:-)
Im going to see a doctor if my pain either increases, or doesn't go away within the next few weeks.
longknocker 03:24 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Im going to see a doctor if my pain either increases, or doesn't go away within the next few weeks.
If You Have "Radiculopathy".; i.e., Pain Shooting down your leg or legs or you get "Footdrop" (Your Foot is difficult to raise up), Go "Immediately" To The Neurosurgeon! If Not, You Could have some permanent weakness, or nerve damage. Good Luck.:-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 03:44 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by longknocker:
If You Have "Radiculopathy".; i.e., Pain Shooting down your leg or legs or you get "Footdrop" (Your Foot is difficult to raise up), Go "Immediately" To The Neurosurgeon! If Not, You Could have some permanent weakness, or nerve damage. Good Luck.:-)
Well, I don't have any pain shooting down my leg, so thats a good sign. I can raise my foot fine as well.
longknocker 03:50 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Well, I don't have any pain shooting down my leg, so thats a good sign. I can raise my foot fine as well.
:-) Still A Good Idea To See Someone. :-) You Don't Want To Hit The Weights again and make it worse.:-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 04:07 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by longknocker:
:-) Still A Good Idea To See Someone. :-) You Don't Want To Hit The Weights again and make it worse.:-)
Yeah Im still going to see a doctor. I don't want to risk something that is minor and make it worse.
14holestogie 05:05 PM 11-08-2009
Ice may be a better therapy than the heating pad if it's a joint issue.

Ice for joint pain, heat for muscle aches.
Whipper Snapper 05:38 PM 11-08-2009
I have a herniated disk in my lower region. I could just be a wuss, but when it was initially herniated, it was some of the worst pain i've experienced in my life. Whatever it may be, see a doctor about it. Back pain is never fun to deal with on your own without a diagnosis. Physical therapy helped me tons. My disk only acts up on me now every now and then.
ChicagoWhiteSox 05:56 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by Tecnorobo:
I have a herniated disk in my lower region. I could just be a wuss, but when it was initially herniated, it was some of the worst pain i've experienced in my life. Whatever it may be, see a doctor about it. Back pain is never fun to deal with on your own without a diagnosis. Physical therapy helped me tons. My disk only acts up on me now every now and then.
Did they do ART?
Whipper Snapper 06:25 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Did they do ART?
What is ART?
BigFrank 06:34 PM 11-08-2009
Head to the Dr.'s like many have recommended. Also, I would see if your insurance will cover some Physical Therapy. Go there for recommended time, they usually will help show you proper stretching for your specific injury and teach you different ways to stretch / and workout to help improve your condition.
In the mean time load up on some icy hot, and some over the counter meds. Don't get too carried away with the pills.
Blueface 06:43 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by Tecnorobo:
I could just be a wuss, but when it was initially herniated, it was some of the worst pain i've experienced in my life.
A wuss?
You can never be called that for this type of pain.
Anyone that would ever say that has no clue of what a herniated disc is like.
When you try to get out of bed and have to roll onto your stomach, and have to then help yourself up with your hands pushing against the bed and when you need your wife to put on your socks for you as there is no way you can leave the fetal position, there is no way anyone can ever call this crippling pain a wuss.
I have been in tears and still live with the pain consuming my life to this day.
Mr. Ed 07:39 PM 11-08-2009
Ouch, yes I remember taking about 10 minutes to put on my socks and shoes for several months and not being able to sleep anywhere but on my stomach; the pain gets pretty pretty bad sometimes. Like everyone else has said see a doctor, try to get a prescription for some Physical Therapy. It's good for short term pain relief, but even better for showing you stretches to do in the long run.

Also, if you enjoy working out, I would suggest you do a lot of work on your core, abdominal, lower back muscles. A lot of back pain occurs because of poor core strength.
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